December 31th. Tonight we get to celebratie new years eve. Some friends are coming over, and together we will have some drinks, get some diner, play some games and wait for the clock to strike 12 times at midnight. Have a good one everyone!
Ixis Ideas! Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy your visit. This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas with the world.
dinsdag 31 december 2013
zondag 29 december 2013
dinsdag 24 december 2013
Snuggling on the couch
Serieus request is an event in december, which ends tonight, on Christmas eve, to raise money for a silent duister. This year it's diarrhea in new born baby's and kids in Africa. There DJ's hope to raise money by playing music request sin turn for a donation. This event which lasts a week can be followd live on tv. It is really fun to watch, nice to listen and it's for a good cause.
Well going to continue with watching a Grey's Anatomy episode. In a few hours it will be Christmas eve. Merry Christmas everyone!
zondag 22 december 2013
Christmas holiday!
Two weeks off! Yeah! Hope to enjoy the next to weeks and not thinking about work too much. Enjoying the love and warmt of family and thinking about inner me. These last dark days of the year. Spent them cosy with lto's of love and happiness!
zondag 15 december 2013
woensdag 11 december 2013
All stressed up
Keep talking about work, but at the moment it is because I don't like it. I feel like a beginner all over again. So much stress and pressure that I am feelling. Pressure to deliver and I doubt if I can deliver it. But it pays the mortgage and the very expensive car repair. Plus what else do I do, it's not like you pick and choose your job easily.
zondag 8 december 2013
In the picture
Ok, december has already been 8 days old, so these pictures aren't really up to date. But they are very nice. Love the vibe of the month december! Today we put up our Christmas tree!
zondag 1 december 2013
December 1st
December 1st 2013. Only one month, 31 days to day to go before we get to celebrate new years eve and start a new fresh year with hopefully lots of opportunities. A memorable date today. 2 years ago, december 1st I started my working career. One year ago I lost this job today as I couldn't be given a fixed contract. This year, today I formally start working fulltime at my job. I have been give this extra organizational part which comes with a lot of work. And I have started to work on it about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Up until now I have done it in 32 hours per week, so I had one day (wednesday) off. From this week on, starting tomorrow, I will be working fulltime. Last week I had an evaluation with my boss about how things are going. And I think they are going pretty fine. In the collaboration with my co-workers, with the projects and with my personal development. I feel I am learning, learning about what I want to do with my life. Since everything happend with dad I want to focus on what I want with my life more clearly. And the content of this job isn't that I guess. But, I want to go the states next year (only about 23? weeks left!). And we need to get a new car, and the mortgage needs to be payed. So I have to stick with this job for a little while longer. And that is ok, because it does have aspects which I like doing. And it helps me to define that particular job I want to do for the rest of my life. I like the contact with people, the conversation, giving them advice. But I am really unsure about the given advise because I don't feel confident enough about the matter, the content. I don't like bureaucracy, having to think about whom I have to involve in a process, who needs to give connect. I just want to get started with the content. I like work and health principles, but then people based and focused. I don't get much energy from technical health issues like air tubes in ceilings, sick buildings and stuff. 10 months I have been working at this second company. It's going up to the year. But I already heard I get to stay a little bit longer. 9 months from now until september 1st 2014.
vrijdag 29 november 2013
woensdag 27 november 2013
Last week of four days
Work... Work... Work... This week is my last week of four working days. After tomorrow my weekend will begin and from december on I will join the club fulltimers :)
Last year this was my last week before I lost my job. It had been pretty busy at work the last few weeks and this will be reality for a few more months I presume, until this new organizational part has set a few things. So work enough for now. In a few weeks (four I guess?) it will be Christmas!
Last year this was my last week before I lost my job. It had been pretty busy at work the last few weeks and this will be reality for a few more months I presume, until this new organizational part has set a few things. So work enough for now. In a few weeks (four I guess?) it will be Christmas!
maandag 18 november 2013
Quote and looking back
About a year ago I found out my contract at my company wouldn't be prolonged. Today I got my eye on an application letter from a former collegae. This one is the fourth one in line whom I have seen, or contacten me from my former company looping for a new job. Budget cuts probably all lay at the base of this.
woensdag 13 november 2013
After two years
In about two to two-and-a-half weeks I have been working on my career for 2 years. Divided in two jobs in which I both had a workweek of 32 hours. I have been asked to (again) think about an opportunity to be involved in a new part of the organization. I was already asked about this a few months back, but then I said no, because I found I miss the needed experience. But a few months later this question came again, and this time I said yes. I still have my doubts conceding the content of the new tasks, but I didn't want to dig my own grave as a dutch expression says. As I only have a temporary contract, this opportunity could give or bring more chances. And in that way it does. From december on (when I'm in my field of expertise for two years) I can work 36 hours and I can stay until september 2014. To be honest I have been spoiled with this workweek of 4 days and the wednesday of. This won't be the case anymore, which I am sure, will take some adjusting. But of course my pay will rise as well :)
Hope to have made the right choice because yesterday I had a first (not so fun) discussion with on of the 'new' teamleaders, which threw me a bit of my feet. Not at that moment, but afterwards. It is going to be busy and I have to learn a lot.
vrijdag 8 november 2013
Moving on....
How am I coping? And am I coping, or am I avoiding everything that has happened to dad? He is home again, to rest and become stronger. Monday he will start with a revalidation program. My mom is devastated by the whole event. Am I staying strong to be there for her? And for my dad? Or is this my coping?
Well on another topic, I kind off got a promotion at work :D It is freaking me out of course with all of the new things I have to do. From December 1st I am going to work fulltime and become the advisor for this new organization part next to my 'old' organization part. Plus I got a raise :) Well, I get it this december :)
In the meantime I an trying to relax my mind by searching the internet for inspiration at home. With the holidays approaching I found this real simple but very cool idea:
woensdag 30 oktober 2013
Life or dead.... One single moment
My life has been turned upside down after my last blogpost. Friday, october 18th, my dad suffered a heart attack. It is beacuase of the heroic actions of mom the ambulance was able to reanimate him. Now, almost 2 weeks later he is home again after having been hospitalized in 2 different hospitals. Having dealt with surgery, intensive care, coronary care unit and the coronary nursing ward. Now hè Needs to rest and recover which is going to be a long and intensive period. It is still a bit surreal as on the other hand I lived a nightmare. My dad still has a long way of recovery to go, but he has got a second chance. That's it for now. I need to start to process the last week and a half as well.
donderdag 17 oktober 2013
204 mails
Great! I love holiday's, doing things you normally don't and enjoying you free time. But then.... You have to get back to work. To earn Some more money to be able to book and finance your next holiday, home construction, car, laundry machine or whatever. Had my first day back at work today, after 2,5 weeks (you know it has been the longest 'away' time, since I started working about 2 years ago?). Well, I came back to 204 e-mails. Yeah.... Ugh.. And lot's of other stuff that needs to get done. Have to find my rythm again. In a few weeks (or days?) it'll be a normal day at work again.
dinsdag 15 oktober 2013
Back again
Hai there! Back again in rainy and cold Holland after a wonderfull holiday! Tried to write a little blogpost from the beautiful Lisboa, but the internet connecties was to slow for me to login over there. Our vacation started of a little rainy over there in Porto, but graduately the weather got better and we were even able to lay on the beach naar the Atlantic Ocean. loved it! But, as all good things come to an end, so idd this holiday. Unfortunatly working life is storting again the day after tommorrow. And to be hoest, it gives me a bit of a stomach ache. What is it with me and jobs? I haven't seemed to have found one in which I am entirely comfortable. Ah well, the next countdown can begin. Only 10 week untill Christmas. And only 30 untill our next Holiday. Yes, even before we went to Portugal, we planned a next trip. Going to somewhere my boyfriend and I have been wanting to go for a while now: New York! (And Some other cities :p)
zaterdag 28 september 2013
Portugal here we come!
Tomorrow I am going on holiday. In the morning we will be leaving for the Airport
donderdag 26 september 2013
Almost holiday!
It has been and stil is very busy at work. But after today I can relax for a bit, beceause my vacation will start!
woensdag 18 september 2013
A wonderful quote I found on a website. It is has been quite busy at work for the past few weeks and I feel I am rushed into it. I just go along with the herd and run as fast as I can with everybody else. That is not always productive. Keep the peace and quite for yourself and allow yourself a moment of rest, you will get more things done.
zaterdag 14 september 2013
Won a tennismatch today! The ladies double! Quite a match to be honest. We lost the first set by 6-2. But the second and third we won by 7-5 and 7-5! First match this season, so I am a little proud of myself :)
donderdag 12 september 2013
Going to have a sleepover at grandma's tomorrow. It's been a really long time since I slept there for the last time. Grandma's has still someone living at home. But when on holiday the rest of the family pitches in. Tomorrow it's my turn. Having a pyjama party with my nana :)
zondag 8 september 2013
Feeling ....
![]() |
I thought it was a cute pic |
Feeling a little bit down today. And lately I am just out of sorts. A lot has to do with my work at which I am just not comfortable. I am so looking forward to my holiday. A little bit of peace and quite. But then it comes to an end and I have to get back to work. It is too easy to say to just find a new job. In this time of crisis they are not found easily. Second I don't want to be a quitter. You have to stick to something and not give up that easily. It just really keeps affecting me. And I take it out on my boyfriend. However sometimes he may be more sensitive about it. Don't just ask when you actually don't want to hear it. I am stuck and don't really know what to do about it. I have to stake action and be the responsible and pro-active HR person who has all the answers and knows what to do. These expectations are 'killing' me.
woensdag 4 september 2013
dinsdag 27 augustus 2013
The influence of events
I am feeling quite restless the past few days. And I think I will continue feeling this way a little bit more. It has to do with chaos and change which has its effect on me. This whole moving thing is really coming close and it has its effect on people. Restless, construction in our current building and you just feel it. Tomorrow I am going to attend a networking day in my field of expertise (sort of), and I am felling sort of nervous, and a little bit reserved. To be honest I don't really want to go. Not so much for this event but all the thoughts and feelings that come (I created/imagine?) around it. Like that I should have informed my colleagues more early about this day. A colleague I was supposed to go with, had to cancel. Maybe one of my other colleagues would have wanted to go? So did I mess up? Should I have done a better job? Now I am gone the entire day tomorrow. No one can check that I am actually there. Can I contribute enough tomorrow? And so on and so on. Yes I am making myself absolutely crazy by thinking like this. But I seem to can't help it. Urgh.. what to do about it? I really starts to get at me. Is it this whole ethos about the collaboration and movement? Or not?
zaterdag 24 augustus 2013
Wake me up - Avicci
Some songs have catchy lyrics. This is one of them. Enjoy!
Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where it starts
They tell me I'm too young to understand
They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes
Well that's fine by me
So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost
I tried carrying the weight of the world
But I only have two hands
I hope I get the chance to travel the world
And I don't have any plans
I wish that I could stay forever this young
Not afraid to close my eyes
Life's a game made for everyone
And love is a prize
So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
woensdag 21 augustus 2013
I am moving!
Not moving houses, but moving at my workplace. In the upcoming two weeks, first I'll have to move internally to another floor and other room. Then I'll have to move to another location 10 km in another direction. It is exciting because I think it will be a good thing. But it brings a lot of unsettlement at the workplace at the moment. A lot of stress and chaos and I feel it effects me. Almost all of my colleagues are moderately negative (correct spelling?). And it does not contribute to my work pleasure. Thereby I am having overall doubts about the content of my job. But I am not quite sure if it is entirely linked to the content or this whole moving thing and everything around that. And of course insecurity all over again and imagining(?) things like my colleagues aren't pleased with me and my work after all.
donderdag 15 augustus 2013
vrijdag 9 augustus 2013
7 more weeks!
7 weeks and a couple of days before our holiday! And hopefully then I can do the same as on the picture above. The last few weeks the whether here has been very nice. Even very hot at some point, but lots of sun. I love it. The summer feeling! Unfortunately the fact that I have to go to work ruins it a bit, but hey, we have the weekends. Speeking of work, I have reached the half year milestone again. Last year this milestone was a focus point for me. As I wasn't feeling sure and comfortable about my work, I insisted of giving it some time before I started judging. These same feelings are here today in this second job. It makes me look back with melancholy to my former job. Eventually I did start to appreciate my former job, but only when I left I think I truly did. You only know what you've got until it's gone, goes the saying. Another cliche which is true. This job is a good way for me to gain more experience and find out what I want to do in life. There are aspects in this and my former job which give me energy and aspects which take energy. The experiences give me the opportunity to learn from them and in a way shape me, so if I have to or want to find a new challenge I can search for one with lots of those things that give me energy. Something I got from reading about job crafting. Enjoy your weekend!
woensdag 7 augustus 2013
Not much
Not much exitement going on. Just work. Yeah... Urgh. Next week I'll have a couple of days off. Hope the sun will shine so I can enjoy it.
donderdag 1 augustus 2013
maandag 29 juli 2013
Saturday I went shopping and saw this beautiful rayban sunglasses. I have always wanted one, but I thinking they are quite expensive. This one though, pulled me over the line. If I was going to buy a rayban sunglasses, it is going to be this one. When fitting my boyfriend found the same sunglasses online, but then somewhat cheaper. Yes, let's do that I thought. I knew the color I wanted and the size I needed and ordered it online. It would already be deliverd tuesday (tommorrow)! Unfortunately I received a call today that the sunglasses wasn't in stock anymore, and it will take about 2 weeks. Oempf... That's a bummer. Hope It doesn't mean I am getting scammed. Next week tuesday I will get an update. Let's hope everything will turn out fine.
zondag 28 juli 2013
9 more weeks
Only 9 more weeks before we go on holiday. It still seems so long. After next week I have been at the company for 6 months already. Even though it feels like I still really haven't found my place there as I did with my last job. But I should not keep comparring.
maandag 22 juli 2013
woensdag 17 juli 2013
maandag 15 juli 2013
Fulltime, spoiled?
There may be an opportunaty to work fulltime at my job. But first I have to let my boss know I want to be considerd for it. But do I? Currently I work 4 days, so I have one day off. And to be honest... I like it. It makes a Good work-home balance. I have time to do some household chores and it is just ok for me. But working fulltime is something you 'should' do when you are my age. Making career and making money. Tombe honest it is nice to make a little extra money. It helps with saving, and if my contract should not be prolonged doesn't make my state support (?) a little higher. I don't know which benefits are more important to me. Yet. And the one says one thing and the other the other. And I am confused.
zaterdag 13 juli 2013
Summer sun
Summer is finally here! The last few day's the sun has been shining and the temperatures have risen. I love it! Finally! But as every negative thing has a positive side, this applies here too but then the other way around. I have to work :( so no enjoying the sun all day long. I can look at it from behind the window. A few more weeks and then I will have a few days off. And then wait a bit more for the holiday early october. Can't wait to go to Portugal and enjoy some time off work.
Have a beautiful day!
Have a beautiful day!
woensdag 3 juli 2013
*update 18.37hrs*
Last year I looked back on a blogpost which I wrote the year before that. So now it has already been two years. A post about growing up and how everything (life) went fast. In the meantime, two years have past. I graduated university almost two years ago, we already have the keys to our house for over a year and after I couldn't stay at my first serious job, I managed to find a new job at which I am working for 5 months already. It does show the picture and path followed in life when doing these little flashbacks every year. It shows the growth / change I have been through these last two years.
donderdag 27 juni 2013
It hit me
Yesterday and the day before it hit me (again). My job is just temporary. I know that. But in the last few months it seemed so far away that I wasn't really thinking about it. But the day before yesterday the subject at work came across about wanting to do an advisory job for a new company. It is going to be like a daughter company from the one I work in now. I started thinking about what the consequences would be for my contract. Because if I would be the one do to this job, will it have any effect on my contract? I don't know the answers but then it hit me that I am already five months with the company, and with each day the end date comes closer. And then what? Can I stay? Well most certainly not as it is clearly communicated as a temporary job. But it scares me a little bit to have to search for a new job all over again. The change is a constant which I have to get used to, but are there any jobs to find? The economy isn't exactly thriving. Worries for now, but also worries for later. We can't predict the future, who knows what will happen and what opportunities come up. But of course the not knowing (for me) is uncomfortable.
zondag 23 juni 2013
Sunday blues
Each sunday I have this 'down' feeling about the new work week. Again a whole week of work before two days of freedom. This really sounds depressing, and that is not my intention. But is a little bit of a blues feeling. I don't know how else to put it into words. I think it also has to do with my insecurity about the work and the fact that after one and a half year I still seem to haven't get used to (the rythm of) working in general. Well time to get some sleep and be fresh in the morning. Because once I am there, everything will be fine (more or less).
vrijdag 21 juni 2013
The sporty me
I have been real active this past week. There was a tennis tournament in the neighborhood in which I participated. I have been up and running for the past 4 days and tomorrow I will play the last match. Up until now I lost every single match, but is it was fun playing them. The whether was real good! A little too hot sometimes. But I really enjoyed myself.
zaterdag 15 juni 2013
One year
June 15th. Today it has been exactly ome year since we received the key to our house. It has become our home in the past year. Memorable day, as a lot has changed since last year. The house I call my home, not living with mum and dad (and my two cats) anymore, and a changed job! And who will know what next year will bring. My job is temporary so there is a high chance that I need to find a new job again. How about the dutch saying: 'little house, little tree, little animal'. The perfect picture with a house, job and family. I don't think so for next year, especially the (own) family part is still too soon. But who knows? A lot can change in a year.
woensdag 12 juni 2013
Primark experience
Had my very first primark experience today! Went with my niece and my mom to Liège to do some shopping. The horror stories I heard about the crowds of people, the waiting lines and the clutter were omitted. There were some long waiting lines for the dressing rooms and the cash registers, but it wasn't too crowed. Of course we went on a wednesday and not a saturday. And those prices! wow. Love this kind of shopping! And all sorts of things. shoes, clothes, home accessories and more. Unfortunately you cannot find primark in every city, but I like to go back again!
vrijdag 7 juni 2013
Hope this is a picture of Portugal, like the description I found with it on the internet says. Because that is what I want to show. A picture which I hope to see with my own two eyes. After some more information from the travel agency and some thinking, we decided that the 2 options left, weren't it. Some more looking and advise from the travel agency led us into another direction, Portugal. A country which is long, offers culture, nature, sun and the beach (more or less a mix of all the things we like in an holiday country). It is a great country to rent a car and travel from north to south or south to north and meanwhile see lots of things. We decided to go by plane and land in Porto, and return from Lissabon. Now the fun part can start as we can decide what to do in between :)
woensdag 5 juni 2013
When will it be ok?
Am I ever good enough? In my job? In my relationship? I am a perfectionist and very insecure. I want to do it all perfect. For others, and therefore myself. Rationally I feel it will never be good enough. And I know it is my perception of what I think, other people think. But I don't know what other people think. I know I could ask. But what answer would I get? And if it may be a positive answer, I may be irrational and choose not to believe it. It is hard to describe how I feel exactly, but it makes me sad. It is a vicious circle in which I am stuck. I am stuck, but I am also my own key to break free. It is my mindset. I know it, but I don't feel it. So I keep on going having doubts about myself. Will it (I) ever be good enoug?
dinsdag 4 juni 2013
Music can do that
vrijdag 31 mei 2013
Travel agency
Tomorrow my boyfriend, a befriended couple and I are going to a travel agency to get informed about the summer holiday. The weather here is terrible, it is even the coldest spring in 40 years! So looking forward to a little bit of sunshine is nice. Last week we made our ideas a little bit more concrete and tomorrow we hope to hear some great travel plans for the two countries we have left to chose from. Love to have my feet in the sand like in the picture above. Or actually, to have my feet in the sea and my flipflops on the beach waiting for me to come back :)
maandag 27 mei 2013
zaterdag 25 mei 2013
Brrr... Let's find a holiday!
I just keep wining about the whether. Last sunday we had a beautiful spring day. I think it was about 20 degrees, which was just great for a day at an amusement park and for a BBQ. But the days after where just very cool again. Thursday it was like 10 degrees, which is really cold for the time of the year! Well wining about it doesn't change anything, so my friends and I decided to look for a vacation! Dreaming away with beautiful pictures of the beach, the sea and the sun, but also some mountains and green grass. Love it! Now it is up to the planning of which weeks the four of us can all have a few weeks off at work. It's going to be around the end of July or more towards the end of september beginning October. We still have to figure it out. We were having doubts about where we wanted to go, Cuba, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Thailand or a little bit more close to home with Egypt, Greece, Switzerland. We narrowed it down towards central or eastern Europe. Probably something like CYprus or Montenegro. Next week we have planned to make a visit at a travel agency. Hope we have agreement on the holiday period and we can make some decisions about the location :)
maandag 20 mei 2013
Weekend with the girls
Spend a wonderful weekend with my girlfriends the last couple of days. Just old fashion fun, talking about the boys and other things, drinking wine, facial masks, roaming a bazaar, pyjama party, a little bit of shopping, good food etc. It was wonderful! We already made plans to do one again next year! I have to do much more of these fun things, with friends but also in general. Live life, and get out of it what's in it!
zondag 12 mei 2013
Getting nerveous
It's been a little over three months that I started working at my new job. However, these little moments of anxiety ('am I good enough', ' am I doing it right' 'is this how it is supposed to be done'?) pop-up my mind. Tomorrow starts a new work week after having had several days off, and I am feeling a little bot nerveous. Nerveous if I live up to the expectations. Sometimes I feel like I am not learning fast enough. Parafrased: insecurity has arrived.
woensdag 8 mei 2013
Happy Anniversary!
Actually I am two days late! May 6th was the day I have been (more or less) blogging for two years on Ixis Ideas. A lot has changed in these two year. The most prominent changes have been written about on this blog. Graduating and trying to get my masters degree, losing my grandfather, finding a job and settling in there, buying a house en living together, losing my job, finding a new one... and so forth. Ixis Ideas has been a place for me to vent my thoughts, fears and ideas about certain topics. Not that it is a very much read blog (more like the opposite to be exact :P), but I find it to be some sort of online anonymous diary. Why online? Don't really have a clear answer on that. Yes I can use a paper diary and keep it really private. But times are changing and everything is becoming more and more digital. So apparently my diary is evolving with it. I often google 'things' and try and find something I can relate to when I don't (yet) feel like sharing in my personal environment. Maybe there are people who find this blog and read some of the posts and can relate to it as well. Happy Anniversary Ixis Ideas! Let's see what the next year will bring us.
zondag 5 mei 2013
Another beautiful day today. First BBQ of the year is going to be held this afternoon. I am enjoying the sun, feeling its warmth on my skin and letting it tan my wite arms and legs. To protect myself I used some sunscreen. I usually use it when I am in holiday because that is when I can enjoy the sun. So using sunscreen and smelling that smell, instantly gives me the feeling of holiday. It brings memories of sunny vacations. Love it!
Yesterday my boyfriend and I met up with a befriended couple to talk about some holiday plans. A little brainstorm about where we want to go and whether or not we might go together. But where to? We have big plans for next year. To make a trip to new york, go south to Washington, and then all the way to Miami and the Keys. Because that one is going to be quite expensive, will we do and expensive one this year? With the fortsight of maybe be out of a job by the time our USA trip is planned? Well, we are still searching. Mexico, Cuba, Maleisia, or maybe more close to home with Switserland, Montenegro (which is said to be up and coming)? Lovely to think and dream about it. I am totaly in the mood, smelling the smell of the sunscreen on my body.
Yesterday my boyfriend and I met up with a befriended couple to talk about some holiday plans. A little brainstorm about where we want to go and whether or not we might go together. But where to? We have big plans for next year. To make a trip to new york, go south to Washington, and then all the way to Miami and the Keys. Because that one is going to be quite expensive, will we do and expensive one this year? With the fortsight of maybe be out of a job by the time our USA trip is planned? Well, we are still searching. Mexico, Cuba, Maleisia, or maybe more close to home with Switserland, Montenegro (which is said to be up and coming)? Lovely to think and dream about it. I am totaly in the mood, smelling the smell of the sunscreen on my body.
dinsdag 30 april 2013
Today is/was queensday in the Netherlands. A special one this year, as our queen passed on the tradition to her son. Today we got a king. A day full of tradition. The last queensday as of next year we will celebrate kingsday on April 26th (if I am right).
zondag 21 april 2013
woensdag 17 april 2013
Birds flying high
A lovely day like today really gets the spring feelings going. Not like the last couple of days, but true spring feelings. Birds are singing and are present all around the garden. Flowers have finally grown and the temperature is climbing (for how long....). I even painted my nails neon orange :) To share the spirit, here are some nice pictures I found surfing the internet. Enjoy!
dinsdag 16 april 2013
Spring feelings, or not?
Oempf.. Yesterday and today I felt ill since a very long time. Not just a common cold, but more like the flu. Just not hungry, having these muscle aches and an allround feeling of not being fit. Went to bed quite early yesterday to have a good nights rest, which already helped a lot. Tomorrow I am having a day off so I can let this virus get out of my system. Good night!
zaterdag 13 april 2013
“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
donderdag 11 april 2013
Back in business
We are back in business! Both my girlfriend and I have jobs again! I started my new job about 10 weeks ago and my girlfriend texted me yesterday she got her job and could already start today! I am really happy for her, she was searching for quite some time now. Hope she may find her place there.
maandag 8 april 2013
Weekend at sea
I have been away for the weekend and it was lovely. Been to the sea, visited the nations capitol city, went to see a circuit, played some bowling, enjoyed walks on te beach and just had a great time with the family! Too bad that time flew by. The weekend already passed and a new working week awaits tomorrow. I really don't want to :( ofcourse you often like a holiday better than work, but for me I notice that my job makes me feel uncomfortable. Pff, will that ever change?
zondag 31 maart 2013
donderdag 28 maart 2013
Easter Eggs
It's Easter this weekend. And every year my mom and I have this tradition of coloring up some eggs to create the easter eggs! Of course the ones made from chocolate have been in our cabinets for a few weeks, but as it's almost Easter, the 'fresh' ones have been coloured too! It always gives nice colours and the picture above is (just like the colored eggs) homemade.
Easter is a very cultural and historical holiday linked to the crusification of Jesus. Judging the easter eggs and when I was little the easter bunny, like other holiday's, Easter has been very much commercialized. Even though I am not an active praticioner of my faith, the symbology of this happening/holiday does touch me.
For everyone, Happy Easter!
woensdag 27 maart 2013
"Everybody is a genius. But is you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is studid"
- Albert Einstein
zaterdag 23 maart 2013
BBQ or ice skating?
Last year, march 23 was the date of the first BBQ of the year. It was nearly 20 degrees celsius. Today it is 2 degrees. Brr.... it is almost freezing and it is almost april. Sun where are you?!
My boyfriend an I bought a garden set of a table with six chairs and today we added a little bistroset to it. But the wether is nothing like sitting outside, so for now both sets are still safely locked up from this horrible cold and rainy whether, in the garage.
woensdag 13 maart 2013
Hello again winter....
It's about half march and again it is winter. Good old winter with lots of snow. It is beautiful to watch but a horror to go through. Like yesterday, when for the first time in a really long time I had a planned trip by train. And of course, everything was out of the ordinary cause of the winter whether. In the end I ended up being just a few minutes late for my appointment together with some else who had to ride the same road. Last week we were spoiled with two beautiful spring days, and now winter is back at it's full power. But like I said, it is beautiful to watch. Below are a few pictures I found surfing the web.
zondag 10 maart 2013
New week
Tomorrow a new week will start. Or, depending from the way you look at the calendar, it already started. For me a new week starts on monday =)
Week 6 at my new job, and I am going to follow a course on tuesday. Real exited to be able to develop myself on this job through courses like these, but the school is kind off far away for me. It is situated in the middle of the country. But as I live in the utmost south of it, it is quit a journey. The whether forecast isn't exactly good for this tuesday so I just hope everything will go fine with the public transport.
Last week I wrote about going back for one last time to my former employer. It was wonderful to be back at one of the locations. And I encountered a former colleague with whom I worked directly. The experience gave me a feeling of 'missing'. It was a wonderful year with wonderful people I had there. And I know I was just lucky to be apart of it. Therefore I still sometimes miss it. Which is actually a good thing, because it shows the nice times I had.
This weekend my boyfriend and I went shopping for a garden set. A nice table with some lovely chairs to be able to sit and enjoy the sun or to have a barbecue. As March is progressing the hopes of spring come through, and we want to beat the real business with people shopping for gardensets. We did find a set we liked, but being a girl, I wanted to see if we would find something even nicer. We visited a few stores, but the first set is still the nicest. Probably going back there end of the week to place an order.
Have a nice week everybody!
woensdag 6 maart 2013
Going back for one last time
Today I am going back to one of the locations of my former employer. I am invited to be present at the granting of an acknowledgement (is that proper English?). So I am all dressed up as there will be taken some pictures. It is nice to go back and a little bit strange. But as I am only going to one of the locations, and not the office I reccon it won't be that strange.
It is a good day for photo's as it is the second day that is about 15 degrees Celsius. Love spring!! But it seems to be that it won't last. Next week a new period full of winter is announced. So as long as it lasts, I am definately enjoying these moments of sun om my day off!
It is a good day for photo's as it is the second day that is about 15 degrees Celsius. Love spring!! But it seems to be that it won't last. Next week a new period full of winter is announced. So as long as it lasts, I am definately enjoying these moments of sun om my day off!
vrijdag 1 maart 2013
It's my birthday
Wow, a year flew by. Today I turned 25! Tonight I'm throwing a party for my friends. It's going to be fun!
maandag 25 februari 2013
It's been a while
Not that it is too long, but it's been a while since I made a blogpost. I just have been caught up in working, celebrating a few birthdays (with my own coming up this friday) and just some other stuff. Thereby I didn't really have any inspiration to write about. Like this is the most interesting blogpost ever.
Well it's been three weeks since I started at my new job, but it doesn't feel like it. Instead it feels like I have been there three months. I believe it is a good sign. In comparison to my last job I feel at ease much quicker, much sooner. I am convinced that my previous internships at this company speed up this process as I already new most people, and I know my way around. So most of all it is just the work that I have to focus on. And that goes a lot better as last year as well. I now have experience to which I can relate different cases and things that involve my work. I still have moments that I don't know what to do next, or how to approach a certain issue, but I think that's natural. At least in this early stage of my job I think of it as natural. Approaching this new situation this way (it is normal to still not know everything, last year was the same..) really helps me through my newcomer period.
Well it's been three weeks since I started at my new job, but it doesn't feel like it. Instead it feels like I have been there three months. I believe it is a good sign. In comparison to my last job I feel at ease much quicker, much sooner. I am convinced that my previous internships at this company speed up this process as I already new most people, and I know my way around. So most of all it is just the work that I have to focus on. And that goes a lot better as last year as well. I now have experience to which I can relate different cases and things that involve my work. I still have moments that I don't know what to do next, or how to approach a certain issue, but I think that's natural. At least in this early stage of my job I think of it as natural. Approaching this new situation this way (it is normal to still not know everything, last year was the same..) really helps me through my newcomer period.
zaterdag 16 februari 2013
Quotes and pictures
Surfing the internet you sometimes come across the most beautiful quotes and pictures, with a whole variety of topics. And sometimes I just want to share these and pass them on. Be inspired!
dinsdag 12 februari 2013
2 days off
Last week I finished my first week at my new job. Scary, exiting, nervous and all this at the same time. Will I be at ease there with the work and the colleagues as I was at my last job? I know I need to give it time.
After my first week I immediately start with two days off. 'Nice!' I know some might say, but as I already had 8 weeks off during me job search, for me not so much. Especially since it costs me vacationdays. To compensate for one day I am going to work tomorrow, a day I normally don't work and the thursday and friday.
So here I am again, at home. Even though I now know I have to start working again, I don't feel at ease. Because tomorrow I have to start again. Go to my job where I don't know all the people yet, or the work for that matter. So to relax a bit I am baking a cake with my new mixer!
After my first week I immediately start with two days off. 'Nice!' I know some might say, but as I already had 8 weeks off during me job search, for me not so much. Especially since it costs me vacationdays. To compensate for one day I am going to work tomorrow, a day I normally don't work and the thursday and friday.
So here I am again, at home. Even though I now know I have to start working again, I don't feel at ease. Because tomorrow I have to start again. Go to my job where I don't know all the people yet, or the work for that matter. So to relax a bit I am baking a cake with my new mixer!
zaterdag 9 februari 2013
maandag 4 februari 2013
Second first day
I survived my first day at my second job. Same as last time, lot's of new impressions which all have to sink in and find a place. Will I fit in there as good as did in my last job? Hopefully everything will work out. All beginnings are difficult.
vrijdag 1 februari 2013
donderdag 31 januari 2013
First meeting
So, now it is 100% sure. Next monday I will start at my new job. And to be honest, again I am kind o terrified. A new beginning, new people, new working methods, different culture. Al this I have to absorb again. Today I am invited to already join a meeting. I want to relax about it and just let it happen, but I have always been this nerveous little person, who (in a perfect world) would like to control everything.
maandag 28 januari 2013
95% sure
It sure looks like it! I am beginning a new career. Or at least, I am 95% sure. Hope those remaining 5% will be add up to it after tomorrow.
So last week I finally got a phone call from this organization. They have done some math and could tell me for how long and how much hours I could be hired. Once I knew that, the difficult job of telling my former boss was the only thing left to do. Difficult, because I also would have loved to go back there, but there was no security. So I called, told her the news and got the response which I thought I would get: 'Great news! Congratulations, you should go for it'. It is still not sure whether or not I can go back, and if so, for how long will it be? I have a little bit more security at this new thing. So tomorrow there is an appointment to talk through all the final things. It is sinking in that the door was closed for the last time at my former company. But hopefully new doors will be opened and this new one.
donderdag 24 januari 2013
Still calling....
Haven't called my former boss yet, because I am still waiting for more details regarding my possible new job. Only if I have those and the company and I can come to a satisfactional (?) understanding for both parties, I have the complete picture. And only then I can give the complete picture to my former boss. Hope to have this info quite soon so I can close things up nicely, make my head clear about the different possibilities and start working towards this new start, which I guess will be at this new place. But then again, you never know how things might go.
dinsdag 22 januari 2013
Online journal
This blog really has become my online journal. A place to vent my feelings, thoughts and emotions, when I feel there is no other place. Tomorrow (well actually today when you look at the time) feels like decision day. I am going to call my former boss and tell her about this other job offer. I think I already know her answer, which for me will lead to be a real closure point. It hasn't been truly real up to this point, but it is hitting me that, with 99,9% certainty I ain't going back there. Tomorrow almost certain the new path will be walked on. I am really going to miss my 'old' environment. My colleagues with whom I had an amazing time, and really made me feel at ease there. It also kind of feels like betraying my direct co-workers as they kept sending me messages to hope to see me again soon. But I didn't choose to leave. That choice was made for me. Now this mourning proces really starts to hit me. Well maybe it happened for a reason.
vrijdag 18 januari 2013
One choice less
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a job vacancy with fixed contract at my former employer. It was a vacancy in a different city in which the organization in also active. My ex-collegues even put in a good word for me and asked whether or not they would see me as an internal candidate for this job. Today I got a phone call regarding the application process. It turned out that the vacancy was already filled by another internal candidate who already has a fixed contract with the company. But they wanted to consider me for another vacancy if I was interested. But as it was a temporary contract for 3 days a week there are better options for me. It does suck a little bit that the chance of a fixed positions (in a company I really loved working in) slipped through my fingers. But to be honest, I wasn't looking forward to the driving distance each day. And would working there be the same as working where I worked? Well that no longer is of concern as I have one choice less.
Monday I am invited to an award event at my former company for a project I co-worked on (how nice of them to invite me!) So then I hope to be able to inform about my chances to return to the company.
If not I am going to accept the job offer that was done to me from this other organization. I know it is a luxury position and especially in this time of economic crisis.
dinsdag 15 januari 2013
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