zaterdag 27 februari 2016

So blessed - New Travel spot: Canada!

One trip hasn't taken place yet, and the next one is already booked. So blessed to be able to do this! Together with my brother-in-law, my boyfriend and I are going to Canada. Starting in the city of Vancouver and then driving through the nature it has to offer to Banff and Jasper National Park. 


woensdag 24 februari 2016


Everyone dreams I once read. The once while sleeping I mean. But not everybody remembers what they dreamt about. I do mostly. Sometimes even up to 2 or 3 different dreams per night. Sometimes when I wake up I am truly amazed by the diversity of dreams. Lot's of times I can recognize things that occupied my mind during the day or days before. But sometimes not. These past few days I have been in a cycle of dreaming about death. Once I read that dreaming about death was an indication for a turning point of happiness. Death means the end of something which is not necessarily a bad thing. Things like this trigger me so I like to read about it. I also read it could relate to an illness and could mean you are on the mend. Who knows there might be a link with my body finding its own cycle again after quitting birth control. It just fascinates me. Is it my subconsciousness processing things about the day, or is there some meaning behing everything? All I know is my mind is really good at making up stories, that seem so lifelike while dreaming. And when I wake up, I often think like what was that all about.

Sweet dreams!


woensdag 10 februari 2016

New travel countdown - Stockholm!

I can start a new travel countdown, yeah! In just 85 days my family and I will be visiting Stockholm, Sweden. I have never visited one of the Scandinavian countries before, so I am pretty curious. I am really looking forward to it. In searching our new family city trip (last year we visited Rome), we did a little bit of digging to what Stockholm has to offer. But I will have to do some more to get up to speed what we can visit there.


maandag 8 februari 2016

75 days no period

It has been 75 days since my last period. Or actually my withdraw bleeding. Haven't had a normal period since I quit birth control. I did ask my doctor about it several weeks ago. I visited him for a spot on my back and while I was there I asked him about the cycle and when I should get worried. 
He explained to me that nature decides when I will get my period again and I should definitely take 6 months to a year into account. 

So, October 22nd I took my last birth control pill. Since I quit I did experience some changes:
  • More pimples on my face after 3 or 4 weeks
  • I did experience some emotional changes, but only in the beginning. I felt a little bit more down and confused. Like my hormones were a bit confused themselves
  • My hair just felt thinner and thinner.
  • I lost weight. Perhaps I don't retain that much fluid anymore
  • After about 2 months my skin went back to being reasonably normal. I still have some pimples now and then, nut I also eat chocolate and stuff, so that might as well be the cause.

Sometimes I do feel some cramping it seems like. But until now, no period. It has only been a little over 3 months, so I have to be patient. It is a good thing I didn't quit birth control because we are trying for a baby right away. I think I am glad I quit now. Because if I did quit because I wanted to get pregnant, and it would take a long time to have my period again it would be quite stressful.

It is a bit stressful now too. Just because I am curious if I still function properly. But according to my doctor I should definitely give it some time. And then again. My boyfriend and I are planning to have some nice holiday trips. Thinking about Canada this year and maybe West-USA next year. And maybe then we would like to start a family. By then I will be 29/30, so a nice age in my opinion. 
