maandag 21 december 2015

zaterdag 5 december 2015

Christmas tree

Hello December, Hello cold whether, hello Christmas Tree. Today my boyfriend and I put up the Christmas Tree. Even though in the Netherlands today (December 5th) is Sinterklaas, we already put up the Christmas Tree. Mostly because tomorrow we have a birthday, and also next weekend we have other plans. The time of Christmas songs has come. From tomorrow on I think we will hear them a lot on the radio. It always is a cosy time of the year.

Hopefully it will be cosy at all aspects in life. At work it is quit troubled. Our projects are not going as wanted because ideas about what we expect from each other differ quite a lot. Hopefully everything can be worked out.


donderdag 26 november 2015

I quit birthcontrol...

Not to get pregnant, but just to get to know my body again without the additional hormones. I quit the birthcontrol pill. On my 'cycle' I was supposed to get my period last monday. Today is thursday. My friend also quit the birthcontrol pill a while ago, and it took 8 months for her period to come. 8 freakin months!!! So I am a bit nervous if my body still 'works'. And when it will be then. I think I feel some side effects allready. My hair feels greasy more quick. I just have to wait and see. But that is hard on me. The more my mind is caught up in it, the more long it will take probably. My friend started again with birthcontrol. But who knows, if it does take a while for my body to get a (regular) cycle, maybe by then we feel ready to welcome a child into this world.


maandag 9 november 2015

Finally some news.... I can stay!

Finally! It took like for ever. But last week I was told I can stay at my job. Permanently! They gave me a fixed contract. Got the letter in the mail november 6th. Waauw, my first fixed contract. A new chapter in my life.


vrijdag 23 oktober 2015

still nothing

Regarding my contract at work I still don't know a thing. each time there comes a story or an argument why it is not clear yet. And each time there comes a promise (of some sort, from someone). And each time, this promise is broken again. First I would hear it before I went on holiday.When I came back, no news. Than it was going to be spoken about past thursday. But the agenda was already to full and people could not prepare themselves for the proposal. So it will be discussed next week they say. So they say..... because next week is a holiday week and the director of my company is not present. So I am positive it will not be addressed this Thursday. And what can I do about it? absolutely nothing. The only thing I can do is look outside this company for a job. Even though I want some security because I want to continue in life, I have to take into account I won't get that security here. Too bad.....


dinsdag 13 oktober 2015

Home sweet home

And then I am back again. Can't believe how fast the past couple of weeks have gone! Well actually, when I was in Indonesia, it felt way longer. Which was very nice. But now that I am back again. The week literally flew by. and back home it is cold, grey, flat and everything. I am back in the 'back home blues'. I always have that when I come back from a wonderful holiday. Because that was it, wonderful. We saw so many things! The crowded city of Jakarta, Yogyakarta with the beautiful Borobudur and Prambanan, the Merapi (and all the Muslims singing), the Komodo islands, the snorkling, the Komodo dragons, waking up with the dolphins, the giant bats at night. Sleeping outside on the boot. And beautiful Bali, with the wonderful temples, the great tour guide who showed us Bali at a speed of 40 km per hour, the vila's with the outstanding views. And I think I am forgetting half of the rest. It was wonderful. A real great experience, which left lots of laundry. I had yesterday and today still off to do all that stuff, but tomorrow for me the normal life also starts again. It always makes me a little sad. Which actually is a good thing, because it shows me how much fun I had and how blessed I am to go out and see the world. Of course I am happy to be back home safely, but I had such a wonderful time, it is ok to be a little sad that it is over. 


zaterdag 12 september 2015

1 more week - Countdown Indonesia

Almost...... just one more (very busy) week and then we go off to our holiday.


zondag 6 september 2015

10 years

Wow what a lovely surprise weekend!! This weekend (september 5th) my boyfriend and I have been together for 10 years. We were supposed to go out for dinner, but in the morning he woke me up and asked me to pack my suitcase!! What a surprise. He arranged a nice suite in a hotel and we visited Rotterdam. There were the world harbour days which were nice. In the evening we went out for a dinner at a restaurant of a famous chef. It was wonderful. Thank you so much honey. You really surprised me! I love it how you went through all this trouble for me. Thank you so much for being my best friend and my love. I have loved you these 10 years, and I will continue to love you for the rest of my life!


zaterdag 5 september 2015

zaterdag 29 augustus 2015

3 more weeks - Countdown Indonesia

3 more weeks to go. I am getting little nervous job-wise, because I was told that I 'probably' would hear something about my job future before I go on vacation. Hopefully this is true. I learned that these little prognosis can change quite a lot. So it is difficult for me to really know how my future looks like job-wise. This Tuesday, september 1st, I will see the person who should be able to tell me anything. So I just have to go and ask.


zondag 23 augustus 2015

Lost all matches

A few weeks ago I participated in a tennis tournament and we won the mixed doubles. The past week I entered another tournament. It was a little bit more difficult as I played against 'higher' players. And I noticed, I lost everything! I was so frustrated! I really doubt myself if I will ever get better. Ofcourse it is nice to win a tournament. But is was in the most low category of the strength of the players. So I wanted to see if I could do a little better. But it turns out I can't. We even lost from teammates who have been playing tennis for much less years than we have. So I had an off day yesterday and kind of felt like Baghdatis


zaterdag 22 augustus 2015

4 more weeks - Countdown Indonesia

Got ourselves some travel equipment. Like sound canceling earplugs, a book and travel essentials for the airplane. Four more weeks to go!


zaterdag 15 augustus 2015

5 more weeks - Countdown Indonesia

It is getting closer! 5 more weeks. I am getting a little bit nervous. it is going to be a long trip. Hope everything will go fine. We bought our mosquito net, which means we've got everything set. So a little bit nervous, but also excited. real curious to see what the world is like on that side of the planet.


zondag 9 augustus 2015

Moment of happiness

Celebrated my dads (and my moms) birthday this evening. Truly a moment of happiness. Nice company of family and friends. Nice food, music and lovely weather. I saw them enjoying this evening, which made me enjoy myself. A true moment of happiness!


donderdag 6 augustus 2015

Very scary dream - nightmare

Had a very scary dream last night. So scary that it woke me up. It was a dream about my dad Boeing unconsious, and my mom and I trying to help him. It scared me because I relived two years ago. I can't imagine what my mom went through. The tuff little superstar that she is! It still scares me so, that I feel the need to check in. Thank God everything was ok with both of my parents. Much love to them!


zaterdag 1 augustus 2015

7 more weeks - Countdown Indonesia

The countdown continues, 7 more weeks to go. I am exited and a little anxious as well.


zondag 26 juli 2015

We won!

after losing the tennis final at one tournament, I won at this one! Yeah! We did have to play in the rain for it, but we did it! It was a mix game. In a few weeks I am going to participate in yet another tournament. I am getting the hang of it! ;)


zaterdag 18 juli 2015

9 more weeks - Countdown Indonesia

A new countdown! Before my contract will presumably end, we are able to enjoy a hopefully wonderful holiday. 9 weeks left before our journey towards Indonesia will start!


vrijdag 17 juli 2015

It won't become clear, till the end of the year

In the last blogpost I wrote about being able to stay at my job or not. Unfortunately this won't be clear until the end of this year. But my boss isn't much optimistic about the whole matter. it seems like I am forced to apply for jobs again. Ugh.... Who knows what it will bring. Is it supposed to be this way, so this is my chance to make a career change? Because my boss did tell me something about several possible career openings in the social field. I definitely have to keep it warm.

One things that bothers me about this, is how it affects my life planning (well duh...). Just four weeks ago my niece gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Which made me think about having kids (again). I want to start a family someday and maybe that day is becoming closer. But not having a secure base of having a job does interfere with this. But then again I think of these quotes that life is not plan-able. But for deciding to see if it is giving to us to get kids, a secure base would be nice!

It's frustrating to hear again that by boss doesn't want to loose me, but seems to be tied by the law. Well that doesn't help me much! Apparently I am not meant to get a fixed contract (yet). I am curious to see what doors will open. I think I have to have faith in how everything will turn out. Because up until now, everything has turned out fine.


maandag 29 juni 2015

Can I stay? Or can't I?

At the end of this year my contract will end. I hope I can stay at my employer, but the future is uncertain. Today I spoke to our director, and he said he values my young energy and thougt. But who knows how it will turn out. I heard the same thing 3 years ago.


maandag 22 juni 2015

Long time no see

It's been a while. I've been busy, and frankly haven't taken the time to update my blog. A lot has happenend since the last blog post. A nice trip to Rome and a nee nephew in the family!


zaterdag 16 mei 2015


This weekend we are having a friend weekend. It's the second mixed edition. Two years ago we had a friend weekend with the girls, last year it was boys and girls and this year also. This year a friend and I were in the organizing committee. And we decided to go windsurfing!

Kind of like in this picture, but only the weather wasn't so nice. So we were in wetsuits instead of just in our bathing suits. It was kind of cold and rainy, but it was also very fun! I have to admit I was a little scared, because it sure is harder than it looks! And I did fall in the water a couple of times. Our instructor was a fun guy and he made it seem so easy! He said we were welkom for a reunion, so we are able to do it once more. Hopefully with some nicer weather and hopefully with les myalgia! I sure do feel it in my arms.

At the end of the day were all hungry and my friend and I arranged an Indonesian buffet. It was delicious and we were lucky to have a bit of sun. I can't place 10 people at my kitchen table so it was nice to be able and eat outside. The rest of the evening we chatted and played some games. It was a fun day!


vrijdag 15 mei 2015

Countdown - 2 weeks to go

The countdown continues. Only 2 more weeks to go. On my weather app I can see the weather forecast in Rome now. It has a forecast up to 2 weeks. Until so far, it will be nice and sunny. Hope to be able to pack a lot of summer dresses instead of warm vests.


vrijdag 1 mei 2015

Countdown - 4 weeks to go

The countdown continues. four more weeks to go until our citytrip!

Hello May!

I've got sunshine on a cloudy dat
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May

Welcome May!


zondag 26 april 2015

first babyshower

Yesterday I attended my first babyshower. My niece is 33 weeks pregnant and together with some of her friends and my other niece we organized a surprise babyshower! We had a really fun afternoon yesterday. I am very curious as to the sex of the baby. My niece knows the sex, but they are not going to tell it. So we will just have to wait and see. I think they will get a boy. Attending this babyshower did make me think about my own future. Well, future... I am already 27! So I am living my future. I want to have kids, but I also enjoy and realize the freedom we have when we don't have them yet. And then again, you don't choose to have children, you get children. So hopefully everything works fine and within a couple of a years I hope to get a little miracle of my own.


vrijdag 17 april 2015

Countdown 6 weeks to go

and the countdown continues. 6 weeks to go until our trip to Rome Italy :)

maandag 6 april 2015

Easter dance

How something so simple can make me so happy! Yesterday I was at moms and dads. We were there to celebrate easter. I was there a bit more early because mom and I have this tradition of coloring some easter eggs. So of course we had to do that this year as well. Mom and dad have been into dancing since a few months. They joined their friends who have been doing it for several years. It started with their trip to Benidorm last October. Yesterday I got a little show of the dances they have learned. I got this show form both my mom and my dad! It is so wonderful! My mom is a type of persons who enjoys doing these things. And she just goes for it. She likes to learn and she doesn't let it stop her when she doesn't know a dance just quite yet. My dad however is different. Especially after his heart attack 1,5 years ago his short term memory is affected a bit. He is not the type to memorize a dance, let alone perform it when he doesn't know it quite yet. But even my dad performed for me yesterday! It was just wonderful to watch. How something so small, seeing ma parents dance, could make me so happy! Just to see how it makes them happy. And just to see it happening, as that time 1,5 years ago went down a little different, this wasn't even possible. I loved it. I loved watching it and I feel they deserve to do these dances for at least a whole lot of years more!

Happy easter!


zaterdag 4 april 2015


Being a good partner will make you a better parent. 
The skills we use in a romantic relationship,
We also use in raising our children.
Invest in one relationship and both relationships wil benefit.

vrijdag 3 april 2015

Countdown 8 weeks to go

8 more weeks before we go on our trip! We already booked several enterance tickets to prevents long waiting lines.

zaterdag 28 maart 2015

People have no clue

When you work in an organization like I do, people have no clue what it is you actually do all day. If you even do something at all. It is quite frustrating! I haven't figuren out yet how to deal with that. I see it with my dad as well. That people have the same thoughts about his job. It is frustrating and it makes me sad how shortsided people can be.



Almost 4 years after graduation from my master  I am going to study again. Really small in comparison as I am just going to follow one course, but I am going to study again. I like it. Yesterday I applied for the course and within 7 working days I will receive my course material. I am going to do a course introduction in health psychology. I feel it fits quite nicely with my master in health Sciences - Public Health. So lets hope it does fit and perhaps we can do some more courses then. This one is financed by my employer. But of course my employer will not finance any other studies if they don't have a direct usability for my job, or if my contract won't be prolonged. And that is getting a little bit more scary every day. Finally I feel like I am settling in. In these past 2 years I had some different projects and all, and from the beginning of this year I finally feel a bit like I am in the right place. And maybe now when my contract will end, it won't be prolonged. Heard some colleagues talk about the same subject yesterday. Talking about there own career paths. So it made me realize to indeed go on an active search around summer. But I keep postponing it. First because my contract had been prolonged each time, second because I am not so good with change and like to hold on to what I know and third because I finally feel like I am fitting in job wise.


zondag 22 maart 2015

Countdown 10 weeks to go

A new countdown! This time for a nice city trip to Rome! Only 10 more weeks to go. I have visited Rome 2 times before. Once when I was 9and once when I was 23. The first time I was in Rome I went with my gymnest club. We went there for training with one of the great gymnastic teachers. It was wonderful going there with all my friends. Even though we went there for the sport we also got a chance to see a bit of the city. But when you are 9 years old you don't care much for the ancient Rome we came across there. When I was 23 I went there with my boyfriend. Several years older I now was interested in the history of the city, but I also just wanted to enjoy a nice citytrip. This time we are going with the family. My parents, my parents-in-law and my brother-in-law are joining us. I am very much looking forward to it! So finally my 'Ciao' will make sense!


Hello spring

Looking at the calendar, we have entered a new season. Spring is here! My favorite season. The sun will come out more often, the temperature will rise, flowers will start to blossom, you can hear the birds. I love it! It seems like everything will come to life again after the wintersleep. While typing this I feel a little spring sun on my skin. But it's still small. Our calendar says it's spring, hopefully the weather outside will continue to say so as well. But then again, we are only still in March. The weather can go up and down. 


zondag 1 maart 2015

March 1st.... Happy Birthday

Celebrated my 27th birthday today. 27!! Had a lovely weekend with family. And with the spring sun it was even more nice. The first 2 winter months have past. Spring is just around te corner. Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I feel blessed with all the love. Next weekend I will celebrate my birthday with friends. So another great weekend coming up.


maandag 23 februari 2015

2 months that I must miss you

February 23th. That is two months that I must miss you beautiful Tinky. My heart is with you. I great you every day I visit mom and das. And as you know that is quite a lot ;) I miss you. I love playing and cuddling with your son, but the family is not complete anymore. I whish I could cuddle with you again also. I love you.

Hope to have saved a ladybug this evening. It sat in our bedroom for a few days now. Don't know why I didn't think of saving it and placing it outside before. It was already weak. Hope this little guy maken it. Hope I was in time for it to get something to eat. I can't stand animals in pain. Those innocent souls. I feel for them. I should go 'do something' with animals. Don't even know of there might be a shelter nearby or something.


woensdag 28 januari 2015

Summer of 69... or 2005

Great song with lot's of recognizable lyrics. Like 'This summer seemed to last forever... Those were the best days of my life'. Great summer of 2005, that's the year for me. But also the line 'I guess nothing can last forever'. Applicable to, well, actually everything. My love Tinky, school, periods in life, work, happiness, sadness, everything. Great song!


maandag 26 januari 2015

5 weeks tomorrow that I must miss you

They will not go quietly,
the cats who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.

Old habits still make us think
we hear a meow at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.

And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them. . . and always will.

maandag 12 januari 2015

Another weeks work

after two lovely weeks of vacation I already have a weeks work behind me. Everything is again up and running so being busy. Tomorrow there will be a kick-off session about the upcoming changes within the departement. This year my goal is to realise what it is what I want to do, and prepare myself throug education. I reached out to a network contact today, and I think I will go and have a chat with him.


donderdag 1 januari 2015

Hello 2015!

Hello 2015! Another year went by. With ups and downs, sad emotions but also lots of beautiful memories. And those are the ones I want to hold on to. A new year has started. 365 days of blank page we can fill in for ourselves. I didn't really make new year resolutions, but on the go I thought of one. This year I strive to be my own creator of life. I am the one who gets to write these 365 pages, so let me be the one do and direct it. I strive to be more in charge in stead of being lived by others. 

2015, a new year. At least a full year of work at the company. Yesterday I received my extended contract! A year in which I will visit Rome and the continent of Asia to go and see Indonesia. I am curious what else the year will bring. Hopefully much joy, love, laughter and health and, when necessary, strength to deal with the things life gives or shows me. 

Happy newer everyone!
