woensdag 30 oktober 2013

Life or dead.... One single moment

My life has been turned upside down after my last blogpost. Friday, october 18th, my dad suffered a heart attack. It is beacuase of the heroic actions of mom the ambulance was able to reanimate him. Now, almost 2 weeks later he is home again after having been hospitalized in 2 different hospitals. Having dealt with surgery, intensive care, coronary care unit and the coronary nursing ward. Now hè Needs to rest and recover which is going to be a long and intensive period. It is still a bit surreal as on the other hand I lived a nightmare. My dad still has a long way of recovery to go, but he has got a second chance. That's it for now. I need to start to process the last week and a half as well.


donderdag 17 oktober 2013

204 mails

Great! I love holiday's, doing things you normally don't and enjoying you free time. But then.... You have to get back to work. To earn Some more money to be able to book and finance your next holiday, home construction, car, laundry machine or whatever. Had my first day back at work today, after 2,5 weeks (you know it has been the longest 'away' time, since I started working about 2 years ago?). Well, I came back to 204 e-mails. Yeah.... Ugh.. And lot's of other stuff that needs to get done. Have to find my rythm again. In a few weeks (or days?) it'll be a normal day at work again.


dinsdag 15 oktober 2013

Back again

Hai there! Back again in rainy and cold Holland after a wonderfull holiday! Tried to write a little blogpost from the beautiful Lisboa, but the internet connecties was to slow for me to login over there. Our vacation started of a little rainy over there in Porto, but graduately the weather got better and we were even able to lay on the beach naar the Atlantic Ocean. loved it! But, as all good things come to an end, so idd this holiday. Unfortunatly working life is storting again the day after tommorrow. And to be hoest, it gives me a bit of a stomach ache. What is it with me and jobs? I haven't seemed to have found one in which I am entirely comfortable. Ah well, the next countdown can begin. Only 10 week untill Christmas. And only 30 untill our next Holiday. Yes, even before we went to Portugal, we planned a next trip. Going to somewhere my boyfriend and I have been wanting to go for a while now: New York! (And Some other cities :p)
