woensdag 31 december 2014

Happiness goals 2015

Budgi.nl wrote an artikel which inspireert me. An article about happiness and things you should or shoud not do to try and reacht it. Being happy is not self-evident. Especially if you had to deal with many setbacks and perhaps still must endure. No matter how hard you try to lead a positive and happy life, nothing seems to work and it may seem like you are cursed. I have felt like that some times. Wondering why life threw at me what it has thrown at me. Budgi says we are not cursed but we shouldn't want that much. This lies in our personality which is something only you can change. Being happy and having carefree life, always starts with yourself. These things can help is with that.

1. Quit wanting to be right
Is it wordt the trouble of jeoperdizing your relationship with someone just because you (feel you) are right? Always aks yourself this question. You night find the answer is 'no' once in a while. 

2. The need for controle.
Don't be a controlefreak and be prepared to let go of the need to controle everything and everyone. Let people be who they are and accept that.

3. Negativity
Don't get caught up in negativity. Belive in yourself, create and seize your chances and don't always think the worst about yourself.

4. Limits
Stop to impose limits to what you can or cannot achieve. Spread your wings and fly as high as you can without thinking about limits.

5. Complaining
Don't complain about everyone and everything. Nothing or nobody can make you unhappy if you don't allow it. So, don't allow it and be positive.

6. Criticism
Stop criticizing others. People are unique, but at the same time the same. We all want to be happy, to love and to be loved. Criticism is obsolete.

7. Impressing
Don't try so hard to be some you are not. People are impressed and o attracted to you when you show them the real you.

8. Embrace change
The only constant in life is change. Change is good and is the only thing which gets you from A to B. Resisting change is the worst thing you can do.

9. Labels
Stop sticking a label on everything and everyone who is different from you. Your mind only works when it is open to new things.

10. Fear
Fear is an illusion. It doesn't really exist, you are the one who creates it.

11. The Past
Letting go of the past isn't easy. Especially when the past seems so nice compared to the present, and you're afraid of the future. But the present is all you have got. Stop living in the past and live in the present with everything you do, with an eye to the future. Just so you can enjoy life.

12. Ties
Learn to let go. Do not give up what you love, but let go of the things that unconsciously limit you in what you can and can not achieve.

13. Don't live to the expectations of others
Your life is yours and yours alone. Too many people live as if their life belongs to others. They live by the values, norms and expectations of their parents, friends, enemies, teachers, government and media. But not you, you should listen to what your inner voice says. You need to discover what makes you happy and pursue that at all costs. You only have one life. Use it to do what you, and not others, considers important.

zondag 28 december 2014

Love and kisses. We celebrated Christmas and even though we carry you in our hearts, we were not complete. 


woensdag 24 december 2014

1 day till Christmas

It is just one more day until it is Christmas. But it will be a sad one this year as the family is not complete. We miss our beloved Tinky. A beautiful cat to cuddle. Unless she let you know it was enough. She joined us at Christmas dinner together with her son, our other cat. They had their own scratching post which was also used a some sort of chair. This year there will only be one instead of two. I believe it was the right thing to do. Our little thing was really sick as the vet told us. But you always wonder if there was something more you could do. Or well, if there was something you could do which was not so intense for the poor thing. You don't want her to cause more trouble for a few months / years just for our own pleasure. No I want what's best for her. Well, I wanted what's for her. Tiny I love you. Rest in peace my love.

If love could have kept you here, you would have lived forever. 


dinsdag 23 december 2014

Rest in Peace my love Tinky

Today I had to say goodbye to one of my loves in life, Tinky. Our cat who was with us for 16 years. The love. She was familiar with kidney trouble, but the last week things got worse. So we made the terrible decision to help her die to safe here the suffering. To be honest I am devastated. She was just so lovely. I've had her since I was 10 years old. So I've had her most of my life. I am going to miss her terribly, but I will never forget her! Tiny God bless you. I hope you now longer feel sick. I so at the moment but I will be better. I love you.


maandag 22 december 2014

3 days til Christmas

Only 3 days til Christmas. 2 until Christmas eve. Last week we had a christmas drink at work. While there I was told my contract will be prolonged until the end of 2015. So that is nice! At least a stable period around our trip to Indonesia. It is nice to have that bit of financial security and vacationdays for 6 more months. So we will see what it will bring after that. Enjoying the Christmas holiday now!


donderdag 11 december 2014

14 days till Christmas

Two weeks left until Christmas! Yesterday at work there was a mystery aggressor. Together with a colleague we arranged it and staged a scene of verbal violence, to create awareness. The company chief was in on it, and it was especially meant to create awareness amongst the department chiefs (so my boss). And it worked. Got some great compliments about it. But I also heard that the company chief is really strict in contracts and prolonging them permanently. So probably my temporary contract, which cannot be prolonged anymore by law, is most likely to end in about 6,5 months. So form January on I think I have to seriously start looking for another job. Not only because I keep murmuring about not knowing whether or not I want to keep doing this this for the rest of my life, but because I have to.


dinsdag 9 december 2014

16 days till Christmas

Only 16 days left in this years countdown ;) I got some very nice news this weekend. My niece is pregnant! As I don't have any brothers or sisters, this is the closest of a family pregnancy I got. How lovely! Next to that, the next day we heard a befriended couple is engaged and they will be getting married. Love is in the air! What do you expect this December month ;)


dinsdag 2 december 2014

23 days till Christmas

Let the countdown begin! ;) We already have some presents in the attic which can be given and unwrapped when it's Christmas. Only 23 days left!

I have been working full-time for a year now. It's okay, I am used to it by now. The salary is nice because of it. But I won't deny loving the 4 day work week. It has also been a year since I became the advisor of this new organization part. Eventhough there can, and will be a lot of sh*t going on, it is also really fun and challenging to do. Today I also had a chat with an upcoming head of the new social domain department. Just to get a better feel of what is going on there so it can help me choose my own career and make a career step in that direction. Because, let's face it. In about 7 months it might just be the case that I am looking for a new career then. In about 2 months, February, I am going to talk to my boss again about my contract. Because I need to give me some time in searching for a possible new job. It makes me nervous writing about it because it might just as well be reality. From the beginning they have told me it is a temporary position. With my new colleague starting the day after tomorrow there might me hands enough so they can let me go. I have to keep in mind that were one door closes another one opens. 


maandag 1 december 2014

Hello December!

                                    It's the last month of the year, make it count!

I have been lousy at writing blogposts lately. I just don't take the time for it. Which is too bad, because it is fun. It makes me think about stuff, or at least it makes me wright about stuff I think about. In my last blogpost I wrote about new people at work. Today our first new colleague started. A girl my age, she seems nice but I still have to get to know her. And this Thursday the second new colleague will start. Very nice to have some extra hands to help with all the work, but also worrying about what it might mean for me. As i probably have written before my contract will end by the end of June. It cannot be prolonged (only if we are going to be creative), but I am doubtful whether or not my colleagues and especially boss want to be creative like that. Yes I am insecure. Just last week I got some nice compliments. But then others stuff happens and just the tiniest thing makes me doubt myself again. Just like these new colleagues. Will they be better than me? Will they be nicer than me? In the eyes of others? It is not a question in my own eyes, I am sure they will. But apparently what others think (still) matters to me a great deal. 

The last month of the year. As the last few years, this one flew by as well. I am very much looking forward to christmas. I love that holiday, with the warmth it holds. Being with friends and family, having Christmas diner and give each others presents to show them how much you love them. 
