dinsdag 12 februari 2013

2 days off

Last week I finished my first week at my new job. Scary, exiting, nervous and all this at the same time. Will I be at ease there with the work and the colleagues as I was at my last job? I know I need to give it time.

After my first week I immediately start with two days off. 'Nice!' I know some might say, but as I already had 8 weeks off during me job search, for me not so much. Especially since it costs me vacationdays. To compensate for one day I am going to work tomorrow, a day I normally don't work and the thursday and friday.

So here I am again, at home. Even though I now know I have to start working again, I don't feel at ease. Because tomorrow I have to start again. Go to my job where I don't know all the people yet, or the work for that matter. So to relax a bit I am baking a cake with my new mixer!


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