woensdag 29 februari 2012

Second Houseviewing

It's been a while since my last blogpost, so it is time for a update. This afternoon my boyfriend and I are going for a second viewing in one of the houses we have seen. However, I am really struggling with it. Rationally this house fulfills all our requirements concerning a house, but I do not have this 'feeling' yet. The feeling that when you walk into a house, you immediately know and feel that this is it. I don't know it this will grow or that it is something that you just should have. So I am quite nervous. I really want to live together and he sooner the better of course. But it is not just a bag of potatoes you buy. It needs to be a decision in which both parties can find themselves happy. Well let's just see what this viewing will bring.


woensdag 15 februari 2012

Longing to the past

Since I've got my iPhone, I've also got a corresponding new e-mailadres via apple. My boyfriend set it all up for me and linked my old e-mailadresses (I had a couple of them) to one another. But now I'm kind off having and e-mailbox overload so it was time to delete some of the oldest e-mails.

My oldest e-mail stems from 2003! I've kept it all those years because it was just very funny. From 2005 on there were still a lot of e-mails with just nothing interesting in it. So I started to read them and make a selection. While doing that I encountered e-mails with photo's, invitations to parties, loving messages from my friends and boyfriend and so on. It brought me back to those times. Feeling free and starting life. Still in school and nothing to worry about yet. Not having to worry about a job you want to do for the rest of your life. Just living freely and enjoying life.

Than I got my iPad from work and read my emails (which I should't have done on my day of). All those e-mails with responsibilities and things that need to get done. No free life anymore, free of worries what you should do for the rest of you life. They are there now. I don't mind responsibilities, but I still don't know whether I am up for the responsibilities in this particular career path. I still should give myself time as it still are just 2,5 months in this job. But i don't know. I'm scared whether or not I'm capable of handling these projects on my own. I have to call my boss friday about a project, but I'm not sure how to explain and what to do exactly.

I wish I could go back to the times of those e-mails and make a different choice of school and study after the most amazing summer of 2005. Enjoying the free life once more and really appreciate it!


woensdag 8 februari 2012

Final student dinner

Yesterday I had a final, closing dinner with my former classmate and my former supervisors. As a thank you towards our supervisors for the guidance they gave us and the fun times we had jumping up and down their trampoline when we had a meeting at one of their homes. 

Looking back at the six months of master thesis it has been a wonderful journey. My classmate and I had such fun working on it, with of course the necessary stress moments. In the end we were just ready with it and wanted it to be done, but now a few months later I realize that is was such an inspiring period in my life!

In those six months we have learned so much. Both my classmate and I didn't have any research skills and those weren't taught to us at our previous study. So we both struggled to get a grasp on the statistics which brought a lot of frustration. Near the end we were almost experts in descriptive statistics though! 

We both graduated on august 31th, and formally received our masters degree on January 24th. So this dinner was a final closing moment for the four of us. I hope our supervisors enjoyed the master thesis period as much as I did. Now my days as a student are truly over and I have to accept my phase in life as an employee. You never know what the future will bring, but perhaps in my career I will make a detour and do some more scientific research again. My university study really brought into sight that I really like doing this.


maandag 6 februari 2012

Got myself an IPhone

I got myself an IPhone saturday! My boyfriend really is an apple fan, so ever since the existence of the IPhone he has had one. And ever since I, occasionally, have been playing with this piece of technology. Now that my previous phone was showing some elderly problems I went looking for a new one. This choice was quite easy, I wanted an IPhone, a white one! I needed to change my telephone contract so at the moment I can only use the call and text option, but within a month (when the term of notice ends) I can fully use it! Love it <3
