vrijdag 31 januari 2014

Spring day in january

From the outside it just looks like a spring day today. Except for the missing flowers and everything, but the face of the sun and the temperature sure make it look like one. This morning it was still freezing and it was dark as a January day should. But as the day progressed, the sun came through the clouds and it just lit up the world. Lovely! Makes me long for spring.These are the little things which can (and should (in the right mindset)) give you joy. 


zaterdag 18 januari 2014

Child imagination

Would it be.....? Nice dreaming about things, whishing or thinking what could have been. Having this restjes feeling of wanting (to do) something, but finding that it just doesn't quite.... Well yeah, what exactly. I cannot really find a word for it. Like for exemple, I think it would be great to write a book. As a kid, I was full of imagination and really in touch with it. Playing with friends, or (as an only child) often alone, I could live the most amazing stories through my dolls or in drawing a picture. I would always make a story out of it. Nowadays this imagination relives in my dreams. I can dream about anything, the most crazy things and scenario's. But then, everybody dreams every night, so it isn't that spectacular. Only I remember them pretty much all the time. All these dreams, wonderkind what they represent. Or what message is in it for me. The scientists among you guys probably say tat there is no hidden message of some sort, that it is just your brain processing all the events of that day. You can choose, I tend to believe there is some message in them. When I was a kid I had an idea of writing down all these dreams. Did it once or twice if I recall corectly, beceause probably I was already busy with my next story or idea. So, back to writing a book. I used to love make up and telling stories. But now it seems like I only can connect with my imagination in my dreams. I have heard about not being in touch with your inner child anymore when you grow up. Beceause you are  melted in with society and everything it experts from you. Children really live in the present as they haven't subcome to this societal pressure yet. I wonder what it would be like to experience that again, and to get in touch with my imagination again and live in my world for that period of time. And maybe do find and interessant topic or story to tell and let my creativity flow. For there are other things in life which can give you energy and make your life feel worth living than only making money and run along with the rest of society.


zondag 12 januari 2014


Antwerp in French. Visited this Belgium city the second to last day of 2013. Went there with friends to just snif around Europe's culture a bit more. It was a lovely day. Walking throug the city. Sightseeing with the beautiful central station, the Jew neigborhood with lto's of jewels and diamonts and we Walker throughout little China town. Enjoying Belgian cuisine. Especially the waffels ofcourse! We drank some beers, did some shopping and when it started to rain we visited the Kinepolis of Antwerp. Lovely day!


donderdag 2 januari 2014

Spoiled for Christmas - predicaments

Book eat, pray, love
I was really spoiled with Christmas. Two beautiful days surrounded with family, warmth, love, good food and presents. Lots of presents.  My boyfriend really surprised me by giving me a book I have wanted for some time now and a lovely game! I am truly blessed. Not because of these materialistic presents. But because we were able to spent Christmas together with the ones we love and were able to buy presents. Which means we can worry about what to buy for one another, because we don't have to worry about much more serious stuff like money issues of health complaints. Not fot these few days at least.

You know you are blessed in life when you worry about the little things. What to wear, what to eat, how busy you are at work and the one stupid colleague who doesn't listen to you. In my eyes, these all are actually nothings when you compare them to what really matters in life. Your loved ones and your (and theirs) health. Everything else doesn't matter anymore when somethings is up with that. So, when you catch yourself think about the business at work, or why your boss chose that project while you think it is completely wrong, just stop for a minute and realize that. Realize you are able to worry about these things because your base in life (your friend and family) are doing fine.

I did, after everything that happened to dad. But it sure as hell goes 'back to normal' very fast. This perspective of knowing an feeling what really matters, fades really quickly. Thank God my dad is doing ok now. I which and pray it stays that way. In a blink of an eye my day to day worries began to predominate again. Especially work, as that aspect in life is one which is giving me a lot to think about. Leaving me now, writing this, contemplating; do I work to live, or do I live to work? Knowing it and truly feeling it are 2 different things. All these adult responsibilities come into play which makes a decision much more hard.


woensdag 1 januari 2014


A brand new year has arrived. Curious to see what it will bring. What kind of year will this be? I know that this year I will visit the USA going to New York, Washington, Orlando, Miami and the keys amongst others. Will this be a year I have to search for a new job again? Because my contract won't be prolonged? Or maybe because I decide it is time to find a new job and find my passion?
I want to renew or update my bucket list again. I did make one once. Probably it will be the year of buying a new car.

Hopefully the year 2014 will be one of many high points. You don't have highs without the low points, but hopefully they will be at a minimum. I wish a lot of health, happiness and love for my parents, my family and my friends. Let's see what this year will bring.
