dinsdag 24 december 2013

Snuggling on the couch

Enjoying my time off by spending it watching serieus request by 3FM and Grey's Anatomy in a surring kind off like this picture above. 'Futuregirl' sure knows how to make a comfy environment. Juist crawled up under the blanket, some thing to drink, some chocolate and a fun thing to watch.

Serieus request is an event in december, which ends tonight, on Christmas eve, to raise money for a silent duister. This year it's diarrhea in new born baby's and kids in Africa. There DJ's hope to raise money by playing music request sin turn for a donation. This event which lasts a week can be followd live on tv. It is really fun to watch, nice to listen and it's for a good cause.

Well going to continue with watching a Grey's Anatomy episode. In a few hours it will be Christmas eve. Merry Christmas everyone!


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