donderdag 27 december 2012

Best wishes!

Hope everyone had a wonderful christmas. Just a couple more days and 2012 will come to and end. So I want to wish everyone all the best for 2013. That you may find love and happiness and a bit of security in these times of crisis. 
Last year I wrote about 2012 hopefully being the year of living together. Here we are, one year later and I am typing this in my own home :) I also wrote about being happy in my job. Well that turned out a little bit different. Hopefully 2013 will bring me a new job in which I can develop myself professionally. And then let's see in december 2013 what has come of it.

Happy Holiday's


zondag 23 december 2012

Wrapping presents and baking cake

It's windy outside, really windy and rainy. Not exactly how you picture the surroundings to be around Christmas. But hey, in the 24 years I have been around there have been like what, 2 maybe 3 white christmases? 
Did some final shopping for the christmas presents yesterday. They are all wrapped up now, and ready to be put under the three. Tomorrow, on christmas eve, my parents and my boyfriends parents are coming to visit. starters and main course is quite small and simple. Just little bites because in the two days after there will be enough food already. The desert however, not that simple. I am making my own tiramisu in little glasses. And now... I am baking a cake :)

Since I have all this spare time now, for the past three weeks. My boyfriend said he thought I would  have started baking already. But it may be that I won't have all this spare time much longer. Last week I was approached by someone in my network to talk about a possible job. Well the vacancy is there, inside the company at the moment. But because they expect that no one will be suitable for the job they already started to look outside the company. And that is were I came into the picture. How awesome is that! This networking thing really works in two ways! So in the second week of January an exploratory 'job interview' is planned :) If it works out and they find me suitable for the job, then what about my former company? If there is still an option to come back? The what? I don't know yet. Maybe let it be christmas first and let all this job hunt sink in a bit. Hopefully it will clear my head and then first of all, let's wait and see. Maybe they don't want me for the job and then all the worries are for nothing.


maandag 17 december 2012

Christmas feeling

It is not exactly the christmas spirit, so hereby some pictures which for me capture the christmas feeling.


donderdag 13 december 2012


Yesterday and the day before that I had two networking appointments (hope it is the correct English). Anyway, I went to two contacts I met at my former employer to talk about my wishes in a job, and whether or not they know some possibilities inside or outside of their company. I learned a lot from these meetings, but not yet very concrete plans were made (although, the second one may be a little more concrete). 

However, I realized that I still very much into my old employer. It is not strange I think as you know that the topic of going back there is discussed. Well, it is touched, but not for sure spoken out. The chain of contracts will break after a period of three months and one day. But nobody knows what the situation will be in three months. But knowing there is a slight possibility to go back to this job, the lovely colleagues, the very learn-friendly work environment, makes looking for a new job more difficult for me.

As I liked it there very much, I would love to get the chance of going back there. But who knows if this chance is still there after three months? I don't know what to do. I have to apply for jobs ofcourse, but what job do I really want? And then I have to start all over again in learning the people, the organization and my job.  Hope that time will bring the answers.


dinsdag 11 december 2012


What comes easy won't last, and what lasts won't come easy.

maandag 10 december 2012

It's coming...... Christmas!

I am becoming in the mood.... Now that I am home most of the day I am (in between of applying for jobs) watching tv shows about christmas or listening to christmas music. And of course already decorated the christmas tree!
So I am becoming in the mood. I love it. Especially last friday when the world was so beautiful in the snow! Surfing on the internet I stumbled upon this beautiful picture on

How cute! My little precious cat aged 14 is sick. She may not even be here anymore around christmas. So being without a job means spending most of the time left with my cat love.


dinsdag 4 december 2012


Ugh... And it starts all over again. Luckily these are good times for finding jobs (NOT). Next week I'm having two networking appointments. Hope those will lead up to something.


donderdag 29 november 2012

Last day

Tomorrow will be my last day at the company. Some goodbye's were already said today. It is strange. Hope to be back there in three months. After tomorrow I will be unemployed. Don't like that.


zaterdag 24 november 2012


Most quotes are a cliché because they are true. Hope the same goes for this one.

woensdag 21 november 2012

Change is the only constant

Inspiring quote I came accross. It's been a little over a week since my boss told me my contract will not be extended. Only 1,5 more weeks to go before I will be unemployed. Yesterday I applied for unemployments benefits. Pff. It's just so weird that I won't be working there anymore very soon. Eventhough the last year I kept saying that I didn't know whether or not this was the job for me. But during this past year I started to get familiar with everthing. The organization, procedures, policy, people and even my role. So when it then suddenly all falls away, it still is kind of a shock. And this is a thing certain in life. Nothing will stay the same. A dutch saying says: "Standing still is going backwards", so maybe I just should see this as an opportunity. It is a motivator to actually start looking for something different, something (I am sayting at the moment) which truly fits all my interests in a job. The search needs to begin, but now I am still closing busy with work.

donderdag 15 november 2012


Well, it turns out my contract will not be prolonged. So in 2 weeks I will be unemployed.

woensdag 14 november 2012


Today it's been exactly one year since I got hired. Tomorrow I will find out whether or not I may stay. So to be honest, I am quite nervous. On the one hand I feel confident as my boss and I did not have to talk about whether I function or not (compliment?). But on the other hand, socio-economic circumstances makes a fucture in this fiel very unsure. Well, we will see I guess.


zondag 11 november 2012

November 11th

Today it is November 11th. Where I am from it is the opening of a season which I don't even know has a name in English. It is 'vasteloavend'. And in Dutch we call it 'Carnaval'. But it is nothing like the English word carnival. vasteloavend is a three day's party in February, but November 11 (11-11) is the opening. People dress up funny and have a lot of fun.

The history of this feast comes from religion. Before Easter when we remember the resurrection of Jesus there is a period of fasting for 40 days. Before this period starts people enjoy for the last time all those things they cannot do during the fasting period. As everyone of these holiday's (think Christmas and made up Santa Claus by Coca Cola), vasteloavend has become commercialized(?) into a three day feast of dressing up, drinking beer and singing songs in dialect.


vrijdag 9 november 2012


Finally had the nerves to asked my boss about my contract. However, no clear answer. In my field of expertise there are a lot of reorganizations and budget cuts from the government. I am the one with the temporary contract, so adding up the sum seems simple. That's why I want to know where I stand. In case it becomes reality that I have to find another job. Well there was a positive and negative side to my boss' answer. First of all we made plans to sit together and evaluate this last year. Positive: the topic to discuss will not be about whether or not I function. So I take it, it means I am doing a good job. Negative: we have to see what the future will bring regarding possibilities. Whatever it may mean concretely. Maybe there is no more money for an extra employee through the budget cuts. Or does 'possibilities' mean that there are possibilities for me and that there is a future? Next thursday I hope to know more.


woensdag 7 november 2012


Ugh.. It's november and I am starting of this month by being sick. Well not real sick, it is just a nasty cold. Even though I got a flue shot to protect myself from it. Well it is what it is. 
The end of my contract is coming up real soon. But I still haven't had the courage to ask about it. Each day I am saying to myself to ask about it but every time I don't. 


woensdag 31 oktober 2012

Back to work

After having had a week off, I have to get back to work tomorrow. I'm a bit anxious for all the things that are waiting for me like e-mail, different questions, projects etc. We will see. Tomorrow will be month number twelve already! After november I will be working there for a year.

*update 21:54*
already peaked in my e-mail, and within just this week I got a hundred mails. For some this may not may be much, but thinking that almost every e-mail leads to an action, and all the things still waiting for me it's a lot. Especially knowing that with the busy day tomorrow I won't be able to start on it at all.


maandag 29 oktober 2012


Sometimes they just pop up. Through sounds, smell, dreams or things like that. It triggers a memory. For me it immediately brings me back to that point in time in which the memory was created. Usually bringing up this feeling of melancholy. Don't always know wheather it makes me happy or sad.


zaterdag 20 oktober 2012

Full house

Had a full house this afternoon and I loved it. When I woke up I wanted to have a quit saturday, but that didn't really turn out to be. My friend would come over to catch up and yesterday I heard my father-in-law would come too, to do some work in the garden. Eventually it ended up being a day of dropping by my parents to pick up something, dropping by my grandma and uncle to pick up something, later having all 4 parents at my house, while my girlfriend and I were making apple pie. It was just so convivial (is that the right word?). I loved the liveliness in and around the house. I noticed that sometimes, when I don't really feel much like doing something, I just have to do it. Most of time it turns out to be a wonderful experience! Just like today, I enjoyed my self so much this afternoon. Being surrounded by friends and family. Love it.


vrijdag 19 oktober 2012

Feeling threatened

Do you recognise this feeling of anxiety which can occur in certain moments? I cannot really place it, but I feel restless after I heard the news. Wondering what effect it might have on me. Yesterday, when I was at work, I stumbled upon a colleague from my side job next to my study. She was there to have an exploratory conversation with the boss about a voluntary internship of some kind. Later, I read on Facebook she was offered a job. I was thrilled to hear this, because she has been searching for a while now but unfortunatly without any succes. She is a really nice girl and I sincerely think she deserves this. But I can't help to also feel a little restless. In december my contract will end, and I am still wondering whether or not it will be extended. I really hope so, but does this turn of events have a (negative) impact on it, on my destiny? How lame it sounds when writing it, but these are genuine feelings that I am experiencing. Maybe the thougths are irrational and I should have more faith. Change does not always have to be a bad thing. Change can be for the better. A quote which I better should internalize as change is a common aspect in life.


donderdag 18 oktober 2012

One year after

Again a 'one year after'. This date exactly one year ago It was the day of my final presentation concerning my master thesis research project. It was the moment of finalization and the moment my thesis, and thus my life as a student was finishied. Officially I closed that period in january with graduation. One year already. In hindsight time really flies (how cliché). It also was the day that the supervisor from the organisation (my current collgeau) told me there wou,d be a vacancy in my field of experience. So October 18th was a real important dat in my career. It was a closng point and a starting point at the same time. One year later I am still so grateful for this opportunity. At the moment some insecurtities are rising about my contract as it will end on November 30th. So hopefully it will be extended. But to be honest I am a little bit scared to ask.


zondag 14 oktober 2012

High class meal

Yesterday I went to a restaurant which has been awarded two michelin starrs. Quite fancy and expensive. It was quite the experience! Food I wouldn't order in any other restaurant was served in front of me and it die taste really good. Up untill course number three at least. Suddenly I started to feel more and more miserable. No idea if it was the tension leading up to this moment, something I ate earlier which didn't agree with me, or a migraine, I don't know but it ruined my evening. I just felt bad. I hope it didn't ruin my friends' evening. Even though, it still was quite the experience!


zaterdag 13 oktober 2012


Like the month October usually predicts, it realy shows the autumn whether. Opposed to last year, the wind and rain already started end of september and today is one of those days te rain just keeps on falling. Brrr... Autumn. But this season can be so wonderful as well. The beautiful colors the leaves on trees carry. From green to yellow, orange and red. It's stunning what nature can show us.


vrijdag 5 oktober 2012

Yesterday was pet's day

I have no idea if it is a correct translation, but in the Netherlands Octobre 4th is pet's day. Well actually it is not just for pet's, but for all animals. It is national animal day. I have (no, my mom and dad, still have to get used to that) 2 wonderful cats. I love them more then anything, and ofcourse I had to see them yesterday. So I went for dinner at my parents house so I was able to give them a big hug.


dinsdag 25 september 2012


A little suprise and dissapointment today. I received my salary a day earlier as expected :) But is was the least I have ever gotten these past 10 months :( Probably because I don't get travel allowance anymore since I moved, and beacause of my short holiday I made less trips for work which I normally also get paid. Well I still have no reason to complain! But you do get used to it quite quickly!


donderdag 20 september 2012

One year after

One year ago I wrote this blogpost about my job hunt. Now, one year later a lot has changed and then again not so much. It's difficult to explain. But compared to one year ago, my life is completely different. From a student, I am an employee now. From a person living with mom and dad, I am living together in my own home now. But on the other hand, my life is quite consistent since last year since I am doing this job for nearly 10 months now. Even though no single day is the same, I have found a sort of rhythm and routine in my work. 

As I wrote here, I was afraid to end up in a ' classical HR job'. And well, I kind off have. Not that I have ended up here in the sense that nothing will change ever again (who knows what it will be like in two months when this year contract ends), but the job I am doing now is a classical HR job. It has aspects of employee health, sickness, prevention and everything which attracts me most, but it's only a part of the job. It's a wonderful experience to gain experience and build my network, but it's not the kind of job I want to be doing for the rest of my life. It's how I predicted. But now I know for sure as I have experienced what a classical HR job is like.

I do not want to sound ungrateful because I sure am not. I'm really grateful for the opportunities, and if I get the chance I will continue to learn from these experiences and give my best to this company. But this experience makes me realize that the work & health field, the field of my master degree, is the field I want to develop in. Especially after finding out that my classmate and thesismate is working in such a job. What a wonderful example. It's absolutely grate to have this experience and have the freedom to learn and develop. It shows me what I would like my career future to be like.


maandag 17 september 2012

First win

Yeah! Last saturday I won my first match in the tennis competition! It was a mix game, so I didn't do it on my own. But I'm very happy to have finally won a match! I wasn't so exuberant as mr. Davidenko on this image, but still very pleased! It sure tastes like more!


zaterdag 8 september 2012

Living Together

I've been living together for 2 weeks and still need to find my new rythm, and get used to doing things by myself (and my boyfriend). But it's so nice to have my own place, with my own things :)



vrijdag 31 augustus 2012

One week

I've been living in my new home for one week now. It's exiting and scary. For real now, I have to do all of the household work by my self. No mom or dad around to ask for help (well, they are just a phone call away but still). No cats anymore around here. My two precious ones. I miss them.
This place has to become my new home. I still have to get used to that, and my boyfriend and me need to find our new rhythm. And next week work starts again....

*update 12:03*
Today it's been a year since I graduated for my master at university. A whole year! Wauw. Of course I  expected new my life would change, but looking back, my life changed a lot last year.


dinsdag 21 augustus 2012


I Love cupcakes. I just don't have the patience to make such beautiful creations like these. When I found these pictures I felt the need to share them with you. See and enjoy!


woensdag 8 augustus 2012


This weekend we started with a little bit of furnishing of our new home. We brought all the stuff we have collected over the past few years in the new place and today we got our box spring bed! I'm really happy with it. In a few weeks, after the plumbing for the toilet, the tiles in the hallway and the polishing of the wooden floor are done. The furniture for downstairs will be delivers. Bit by bit, this house will be turning into our home. And bit by bit, the my 'home' will become my parents house. It will be a change.


zondag 5 augustus 2012


Sweet summer barbecue with my family and the inlaws. A nice close-up of a way too short weekend. A few more weeks and I will have a short holiday. Looking forward to it!


woensdag 1 augustus 2012


Waauw, it's already august! month no. 8 of the year. Before we know it, it will be christmas again. It's been 1,5 month since we got the keys to our little palace and we are still working at / in / on it to make it perfect for when the furniture comes. We get lot's of help from my dad, which I appreciate so much! Love you dad! Just a few more weeks (3 if I'm counting correctly) until we will get our furniture. Our bed will already arrive next week! It's exiting, but on the other hand it means, only 3 more weeks of living at home. In this safe environment I've grown up in. It's just another step in adulthood. I am really looking forward to living together with my love. But, as I'm not always comfortable with change, it may need some time for me to get entirely comfortable again.


maandag 23 juli 2012

Summer breeze

Finally a bit of summer! Warm nights and sunshine everywhere. That's what a summer should be like. A glass of wine, being at the beach with the sand between your toes. Just relaxing.  That's how it should be. A free summer anyway, I first have to work till the end of August. Hope the summer breeze is still here then.


woensdag 4 juli 2012

Renovation time!

It's been a while since my last blogpost, but it's only because I haven't been idle. It's been two and a half weeks since my boyfriend and I have gotten the keys to our little palace and we have been pretty busy. New electricity tubes have been created and / or shifted, walls have replaced, plastered and painted, the toilet and hallway have been demolished, wooden boards have been stained and so on.  Time flies, but there is no rush. In the evening I can go back home to a nice hot meal and shower and an lovely clean and fresh bed :)

*update 17.55hrs*
I just re-read my blogpost from July 1, last year. A blogpost in which I wrote about my friends who just got the keys to their first home.  Time really does fly. Already a year has gone by! Sometimes you have to stand still and realize such things, because otherwise your life just passes you.


zondag 24 juni 2012


Don't let certainties hold you back
Take a leap of faith
When you are stuck in the moment
Release yourself from it
When has anything not 'landed on it's feet'?


maandag 18 juni 2012


Heard it twice today, this beautiful song by Queen (or was it just Freddy Mercury?). A short piece of it:

Too much love will kill you
If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lovers
And the love you leeve behind
Heading for disaster
If you can't make up your mind
Too much love will kill you
Every time

I believe in signs coming from the universe. That 'someone' is trying to tell you something. You just have to see these signs. Is this one? Hearing a same song twice within the hour? I did hear the song once before. Does it have anything to do with that? I like wondering about these things.

Sweet dreams!


vrijdag 15 juni 2012


In a few hours we will be proud home owners. Getting quite nervous now.

*update 22.10*
We've got them :) And a first day of work is already finished. A new phase. It needs a little bit more of getting used to, but these are exiting times.


donderdag 14 juni 2012


From Wikipedia: Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. 
Everybody dreams each night, but not everyone remembers their dreams. I do remember them. Is it meaningless, and just à succession of images? Or does it have a meaning? Why dream about certain things? Or people you haven't seen in a while who show up in a dream.

maandag 11 juni 2012

Quote and house searching

A lot of quotes these days, but this one inspired me so much that I wanted to share it with you guys. A life lesson to be learned :)

By the way a short update on the house search. Well not so much a search anymore as we signed the provisional purchase contract on april 17. This friday is THE day... the day we receive they keys and the purchase contract is signed for real. I'm so exited!


zaterdag 9 juni 2012


I should let my life be led more by such quotes. For me they represent a vision on life which I would like to adhere. Ciao! Ixis

vrijdag 1 juni 2012

Half a year

Today it's been exactly six months since I started at my job. On the one hand it went slowy, but on the other it flew by. I survived my first meeting as chairman by the way ;) Ciao! Ixis

woensdag 30 mei 2012

Being chairman

Tomorrow I am expected to lead my very first meeting and be a chairman. I am so nervous! It's not something I like doing and now I have to lead a workgroup for 2 hours. Let's hope everything will turn out to be fine. Fingers crossed. A nice picture to stiffen myself.


woensdag 23 mei 2012

Anouk - Lost

A beautiful song by a Dutch artist. A listened a lot to it in a period of lost love. It's wonderful how some songs contain lyrics that are so applicable to a life's moment. In this one for me it was "Mister inaccessible, will this ever change? One thing that remains the same is, your still a picture in a frame."
Enjoy listening to it!


zondag 13 mei 2012


To all the mom's in the world and especially to the one who gave life to me: Happy Mothersday!
I love you and will always need you. Even if we both may think I've grown up and am an independent women. I will always be grateful that I can fall back at you when I need to. I just know you will always be there for me and I'm really grateful for that. Thank you mom, for everything


maandag 7 mei 2012

A beautiful song: James Blunt - Goodbye by lover

A beautiful song which has always touched me is 'goodbye my lover' by James Blunt. During some periods in my live, or at some special moments, some songs are more often heard then others. This is one of those songs. During the best summer I've spent in my life so far this was one of the popular songs on the radio. Furthermore I could (and still can) really relate to the lyrics of this song which made it 'stick'.

"Goodbye My Lover"
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer and when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bare my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

zondag 6 mei 2012

One year anniversary

Today Ixis Ideas exits one year! Wauw, in certain areas of my life time flies! Ciao! Ixis

zaterdag 5 mei 2012

Victory in Europe Day

A Dutch picture of our symbol for the two days in which we have some extra attention for the freedom, given to us by the soldiers who fought during World War II, and are still fighting all around the world. We live in a free country, are free to have our own opinions and go where ever we want to go. In some parts of the world this is not the case, and not so long ago it wasn't the case in the Netherlands. Things like this, and the sacrifices that were made should be never be forgotten and remembered every day. These two days remind us of that and give us and extra opportunity to do so and honored those who faught and died for this freedom.


woensdag 25 april 2012

Family picture

Last year somewhere early november, when the entire family was at my grandmother's birthday, all the nephews and nieces cooked up this plan for a new family photo. But this time just one of the grandchildren and their boy- and girlfriends. We wanted to surprise our grandparents with a more recent picture. 

Things however didn't go as planned and before we even had time to arrange everything for a family photo, the sweetest granddad in the world passed away. Months went my, but the idea for a family picture remained. So, last monday 7 grandchildren and 3 boy- and girlfriends met to take a picture. It took us about three to four weeks to plan this event, before we could get everyone together. So as the date was set and getting closer we all hoped for a little bit of sunshine. However, the weather forecast was not so good. Even though it was April 23d it was cold and raining! Thank god (or maybe grandpa?) we were able to take some nice shots, and with a little bit of photoshop to get the lighting more nice I believe it will turned out to be a pretty picture.

In about 2,5 weeks it is mothers day in the Netherlands and it's a nice occasion to give grandma our present.  So we still have some time to decide the size of the picture, the kind of frame it will be put in etcetera. If it will take as long as getting everybody together for the picture we will sure need it!


vrijdag 20 april 2012

Purchase contract signed!

Ooh, that's a nice lamp! I love that table for our kitchen. I really like a lounge set for in the garden and not to forget a box spring bed. I can't wait to start furbishing our new house. Well, I may be a little bit early with this picture of a housewarming, because we are not quite there yet. But we are getting closer though

It's been two weeks after our offer was accepted and we made some progress. The purchase contract has been signed, the employer's statement is filled in, we decided on the type of mortgage we feel most comfortable with, the house has been valued and we agreed on a notary. Next week the official papers for the mortgage application will be ready. Quite a lot of arranging like I stated in a previous post, but it gives me energy doing all of it.

Only a little less than two months and we are getting the keys and can start painting and doing some little chores in and around the house. After that we can put in the furniture and start decorating and making it a real home. This weekend my boyfriend and I will probably start to look for furniture more seriously. Obviously we already visited quit some furniture stores, but when you don't know in which house or room they will be put, it is difficult to really search for something. 


vrijdag 13 april 2012

lot's of arranging

Our offer was accepted, so the arranging of all the finances and paperwork has begun. We had another talk about the mortgage, arranged statements from the employer, necessary to get the mortgage and we received the concept buyers agreement. We hope to have completed everything within the next two months so we can arrange the key transfer. Well a lot of arranging as you can read!


vrijdag 6 april 2012

Offer accepted =D

Got a text from my boyfriend this morning that our final offer was accepted! I'm really happy now. Hopefully the arranging of the mortgage and all the paperwork will go without problems and we are proud home owners!


dinsdag 3 april 2012

Update house search

After the rejection of our first offer, my boyfriend and I talked to figure out how much we like this house. We concluded that we really like it and want to give buying it another chance. A new offer was made last week. Yesterday we received a counter proposal by the vendors. Which is actually good news to us because now we know there is space to negotiate concerning the asking price. As our first offer was just rejected without a counter proposal we were a bit scared there was no room at all. Even though their counter proposal is still somewhat above our budget so we placed them a final offer. I keep my fingers crossed and hope that the vendors will accept our final offer! 


maandag 26 maart 2012

Phil Collins - True Colors

I am a true fan of the music of Phil Collins. His songs and lyrics touch me. They are down to earth and very much recognizable, yet also dreamlike and make you wonder off to a different world when you listen to it. It's full of emotion and suits every moment and every mood I'm in. When you close your eyes you can drift away on the rhythms or you can dance and laugh with the more bouncy songs. His lyrics are wonderful and today I want to share one of my favorites.

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness, inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

So sad eyes
Discouraged now

When this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors, true colors

'cause there's a shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Beautiful, like a rainbow

zondag 25 maart 2012

Offer rejected

We made our very first offer in hope to buy our very first house! Unfortunatley this first offer was rejected by the seller. My boyfriend and I took the weekend to reconsider what the house is worth to us and how much we are willing to pay for it, and of course how much we can lend by the bank for our mortgage. This next week we are going to have a talk with our mortgage man and perhaps place a new offer. So, to be continued :D


dinsdag 20 maart 2012

Second House Viewing

Yesterday my boyfriend and I went for a second house viewing. We both invited our parents to join us and give us their critical opinions about the house. Even after that we both (all) still liked the house very much! Even this much that we are seriously considering to make an offer :D Real exiting!


vrijdag 16 maart 2012

Update House search

An update on our house searching process. We started about two months with viewings and up until now we have looked at 10 houses. We only viewed one house twice, but we decided it wasn't the house for us. Last week we saw a house, my boyfriend and I both really like. So we planned another viewing for next week. We both are really exited so we bring 2 other people for an objective view, but if it still appeals to us after next week we may have found our house! I'm really exited and a little nervous, because it is a big step of course, but I am looking forward to it!


donderdag 1 maart 2012

Another year older

Today I turned 24! Went to work all day so it wasn't really special. This weekend my friends and family will come over, so it will be a nice celebration :) Caio! Ixis

woensdag 29 februari 2012

Second Houseviewing

It's been a while since my last blogpost, so it is time for a update. This afternoon my boyfriend and I are going for a second viewing in one of the houses we have seen. However, I am really struggling with it. Rationally this house fulfills all our requirements concerning a house, but I do not have this 'feeling' yet. The feeling that when you walk into a house, you immediately know and feel that this is it. I don't know it this will grow or that it is something that you just should have. So I am quite nervous. I really want to live together and he sooner the better of course. But it is not just a bag of potatoes you buy. It needs to be a decision in which both parties can find themselves happy. Well let's just see what this viewing will bring.
