woensdag 10 augustus 2011

You'll be sorry anyway

As a student job I am a receptionist at an elderly care centre. Occasionally new people come to live at this home. Today and elderly man and his wife came by, to see one of our rooms, the man is going to live with us due to his care needs. This process of him getting this flat didn't go very smooth, and as the holiday seasons progresses several of our employees are on vacation. This isn't exactly smoothening the process. Today both him and his wife were grumpy about this whole process and all the delays. At one point this afternoon, when they were looking at the flat, the man came to ask me something. When walking back to the flat, he shared me the story of him and his wife, and that she has cancer. He told me out of the blue and I really felt sorry for them. His wife is sick and now all of this trouble with the flat comes on top of that. At one point he asked me what I knew about marriage. He told me a very wise thing. When married, you will always get regrets. It didn't really made sense to me until he elaborated on it. When you get married, you will regret it when you married too fast, but you will also regret it when you married too late. Wise words, from what I think a wise man. Hope everything will turn out ok with the flat, so that he and his wife will have one thing less to worry about.


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