zaterdag 13 augustus 2011

Am I sorry?

Wednesday I wrote about the words of wisdom that you'll be sorry anyway when you get married. Now I'm not married yet, but I'm wondering if I'm already having regrets about my relationship. Because, sometimes I do. I was young when I met him and just started with this whole dating thing. Six years later we are still a couple. However, there are periods (such as I'm in right now) that I need more 'me-time'. At the moment my life is pretty busy due to my master thesis and my student job and then I also have a boyfriend who asks (well demands..) time from me. Because if I don't give him attention, he will come and get it and demands even more attention. I don't need that right now. I'm still young now, but I'm feeling I'm missing out on a lot of things. My boyfriend is not really a spontaneous kind off guy in his actions. I also want a boyfriend who comes down a slide with me or who 'steals' a bloated dolphin out of a garden on a festival. I feel I'm missing out on stuff because he wants me to be with him every day and every night. Am I regretting being in this relationship? Or is it the stress of finishing my thesis and the fear of the 'black hole' coming after it? I don't know...


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