dinsdag 30 augustus 2011


Ok, that went a lot faster than expected! I thought I was going to hand in my final concept version sunday evening and that I would still be busy with processing some feedback until wednesday. But yesterday at the university, my classmate and I were already congratulated with achieving our master's degree! Wow it is just so weird! I didn't set my mind to it yet. There is nothing left to change in my piece anymore. Ow... did I see all the spelling mistakes? No, because I saw one yesterday evening. Sh*t! I do not have my grade yet, which is also a little weird. Because normally you first get your grade after which you hear if you graduated or not. So now I'm sitting here, nothing to do anymore after six months of courses and six months of research project. It still hasn't sunk in yet. I think I will receive my final grade today or tomorrow an then somewhere in October graduation. It's just a bit unreal.....


zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Four more days

In four days it's going to be August 31, the deadline for handing in my master thesis. I am almost finished, but still some things left to do. Of course the spelling check, correcting the management summary, checking the outline in the tables, pretty up the appendix and things like that. Pretty existing and pretty stressful. This monday one of the supervisors will be back from her vacation and by then I want to have handed in my very last concept version. However, my other supervisors en passant mentioned that maybe they are going to grade the thesis already on monday. Would be so weird being done with this research project. Those six months working on it flew by. Then again, when this is finished my days as a student are over and I'm almost ready (have to get my diploma still!) to start my professional career. But for now, four more days and than vacation!


zaterdag 20 augustus 2011

Job application

I applied for a job today! Since my master thesis is almost finished and graduation will follow, I might as well start my job hunt already. For a few months I already keep track of interesting vacancies and companies which appeal to me, but today I seriously filled in a job application for a job in health sciences. The job opening seems really interesting and definitely something I would like doing! It's actually pretty exciting to see what it will bring! So fingers crossed.


woensdag 17 augustus 2011


Your life is defined by it's opportunities. Even the ones you miss....

maandag 15 augustus 2011

Little things make the world

It's true, life is full wonderful little things. An elderly mother wanting to buy a newspaper for her son because he is currently looking for a new job. I think this is just the sweetest thing! Things like this help to see the world as a place full of little wonders.


zaterdag 13 augustus 2011

Am I sorry?

Wednesday I wrote about the words of wisdom that you'll be sorry anyway when you get married. Now I'm not married yet, but I'm wondering if I'm already having regrets about my relationship. Because, sometimes I do. I was young when I met him and just started with this whole dating thing. Six years later we are still a couple. However, there are periods (such as I'm in right now) that I need more 'me-time'. At the moment my life is pretty busy due to my master thesis and my student job and then I also have a boyfriend who asks (well demands..) time from me. Because if I don't give him attention, he will come and get it and demands even more attention. I don't need that right now. I'm still young now, but I'm feeling I'm missing out on a lot of things. My boyfriend is not really a spontaneous kind off guy in his actions. I also want a boyfriend who comes down a slide with me or who 'steals' a bloated dolphin out of a garden on a festival. I feel I'm missing out on stuff because he wants me to be with him every day and every night. Am I regretting being in this relationship? Or is it the stress of finishing my thesis and the fear of the 'black hole' coming after it? I don't know...


woensdag 10 augustus 2011

You'll be sorry anyway

As a student job I am a receptionist at an elderly care centre. Occasionally new people come to live at this home. Today and elderly man and his wife came by, to see one of our rooms, the man is going to live with us due to his care needs. This process of him getting this flat didn't go very smooth, and as the holiday seasons progresses several of our employees are on vacation. This isn't exactly smoothening the process. Today both him and his wife were grumpy about this whole process and all the delays. At one point this afternoon, when they were looking at the flat, the man came to ask me something. When walking back to the flat, he shared me the story of him and his wife, and that she has cancer. He told me out of the blue and I really felt sorry for them. His wife is sick and now all of this trouble with the flat comes on top of that. At one point he asked me what I knew about marriage. He told me a very wise thing. When married, you will always get regrets. It didn't really made sense to me until he elaborated on it. When you get married, you will regret it when you married too fast, but you will also regret it when you married too late. Wise words, from what I think a wise man. Hope everything will turn out ok with the flat, so that he and his wife will have one thing less to worry about.


dinsdag 9 augustus 2011

The black hole

Ok, metaphorically speaking then. Yesterday I wrote about my master thesis and that I'm almost finished. It's really great to be able to wrap up a six month project, but also a bit scary. Last year when I graduated from my bachelor, I had a nice two month holiday after which I knew I could start with my master. This year it's different. When I'm finished, it really is finished. Then I'm done as a student and ready to start a career. But what the f*ck am I supposed to do? I should know what I'm supposed to do as I have an education, but then I need to find a vacancy somewhere. I know what I want to do, but I guess it's not really possible with my studies. So I have to develop my career as it goes. But then I have to start somewhere. Then this black whole comes in. I always had a goal in my life. Finish secondary school, pass my first year of bachelor, finish bachelor, get admitted to master, finish master... but then what? When I'm done with this intensive year of university, it's not so obvious that I find a job in one or two months. All this free time! It's probably very nice in the beginning after the hectic year, but at a sudden point I think I want to do something again. Something that I studied for. Let's hope something comes on my way and which I'm really interested in and brings me a lot of opportunities. But then, life doesn't bring you anything. You have to go and get it!


maandag 8 augustus 2011

Almost done

The deadline is approaching, the end is near... and you know what, I'm probably gonna make it! :) Last week, me and my study mate were making up the balance to see where we were at. We still had some things to do concerning our analyses, literature piece and methods part. After consulting with our supervisor we were able to finish our analyses and came to the conclusion that we are on track. While waiting on the appointment with our supervisors we worked on our theoretical background and methods part, so the only thing left is answering the research questions and writing the discussion. I started with this during the weekend so today is my first day since a very long time, that I'm not doing anything for my thesis! Well, accept writing about it on my blog... It's weird and slowly it begins to sink in that after this month I'm done with it and it's finished. The metaphorical black hole is approaching when I'm graduated and have to find a job. But that's something to worry about after my holiday, cause first I'm going to Gran Canaria for a week to relax from this (sometimes) stressful half year. But before I can leave I still have to finish my master thesis first. Three weeks left till the deadline. It has to be possible.
