dinsdag 7 juni 2011


A few days ago I heard the news that a befriended couple is taking a break and probably splitting up. It's just awful news to hear! A few years back my boyfriend had a rocky period in which he didn't know if he wanted to continue his relationship with me. I was heartbroken and really felt miserable. When the girl in the befriended couple called me, I could hear the same pain and despair in her voice. She (as did I 2 years ago) did absolutely not see it coming from her (ex-)boyfriend, which made the impact of the news even harder. I was listening to myself when I heard her speaking on the phone and I just wanted to reassure and comfort her and tell her everything would be ok. But what do you say in moments like this? If you don't know if there is hope they will get back together again? It does make me think about my own relationship. After a period of break we got back together again. Now 2 years along I sometimes have these questions whether he is thé guy for me. As he is my first boyfriend and serious relationship I sometimes wonder what else is out there. But then.. I cannot stand the thought of us breaking up again or seeing him with some other girl. That must be a sign. How stupid it may seem I even am grateful to have experienced this 'experience of breaking up'. It's part of life and even though it was a shitty one, I have endured it and I survived. I hope I was able to lend an ear to the girl in the befriended couple, so she could tell her story and ventilate her misunderstandings about this situation. I really hope they will work out a solution and I kinda hope they will get back together again. But it's not up to me....


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