vrijdag 17 juli 2015

It won't become clear, till the end of the year

In the last blogpost I wrote about being able to stay at my job or not. Unfortunately this won't be clear until the end of this year. But my boss isn't much optimistic about the whole matter. it seems like I am forced to apply for jobs again. Ugh.... Who knows what it will bring. Is it supposed to be this way, so this is my chance to make a career change? Because my boss did tell me something about several possible career openings in the social field. I definitely have to keep it warm.

One things that bothers me about this, is how it affects my life planning (well duh...). Just four weeks ago my niece gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Which made me think about having kids (again). I want to start a family someday and maybe that day is becoming closer. But not having a secure base of having a job does interfere with this. But then again I think of these quotes that life is not plan-able. But for deciding to see if it is giving to us to get kids, a secure base would be nice!

It's frustrating to hear again that by boss doesn't want to loose me, but seems to be tied by the law. Well that doesn't help me much! Apparently I am not meant to get a fixed contract (yet). I am curious to see what doors will open. I think I have to have faith in how everything will turn out. Because up until now, everything has turned out fine.


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