dinsdag 1 november 2011

Job Hunting

As I wrote earlier, I am graduated and have started my job hunt. Up until this week I still had some finishing to do with the research company for my master thesis. The final presentation, writing a Dutch summary and the interview for the company magazine for example. Last week was the closing week concerning this and my thesis was officially closed/ended. Then, I went to a governmental temporary employment agency to subscribe myself as a job seeker. Last wednesday I went there, but it turned out that no meeting was scheduled (even though I was told on the phone there would be), so I showed up for nothing. Argh! Next friday a new appointment is scheduled so hopefully it will help.

This week is just empty. There is nothing left to do for me concerning being a student, I wrote several job application letters, so now it's just waiting for an invitation or not. If not the search will start all over again. But my days now are just real empty. I'd love to keep up my blog writing, but I just don't have much inspiration. Cleaning the house, feeding and playing with the cat, playing some computer games, watching tv. It's nothing like the holiday's when I was still a student. Perhaps it only feels like a holiday when you know there is something waiting for you to get started on when you get back.


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