woensdag 29 juni 2016

Change is the only constant

I had this quote once before I think, but it is so true! In life, especially at work this line is a steady base. My work has been really dynamic lately. And looking back, this job has been one bumpy dynamic ride. Just now my colleague phoned me saying she (for 99%) has a new job. For her it is brilliant. At work she wasn't able any more to be herself and evolve. She literally became sick of it. I am happy for her, but a little sad for me. She is the second 'working experience' colleague I had and I she was really nice to work with! My first colleague left after a little over a year because he wanted to go and study again. Then she came, and a little before she reaches the 2 year mark, she will most likely leave. 

Them leaving makes me a bit sad because it forces me to look at myself. The first colleague wanted to gain some work experience in the field. He was still young (2 years younger than me) and finding his professional self. I could very much relate because, as you know, I like my job but often wonder what else is out there. This find the 'else'  that is out there, you have to take a leap. He took one, and I didn't. Well baby steps I did, talking to some people, sniffing out different jobs. But not the big step. But then again, about 8 months ago I got myself a fixed contract. And in the life's phase I am in, it provides me with a little security. You know in case there will be babies. 

Then this girl came around, more sure this was her line of job. I could give her room and time to evolve in her job, she really liked it, our supervisor approved it, and we both were really finding our place in this job. Then with all the changes from last years and early on in this year, things changed again. The room to go besides your narrow job description became a lot smaller. Which for her meant a lot of handing in the extra things she could do. It is a shame because we really had it going good. Now she will most likely go off taking new steps, and I remain seated. Another mirror. 

Change is the only constant in life. A cliché quote because it is so true. I realize that for me change functions as a mirror. Because it makes me rethink my situation. I feel it only impacts me because it should impact me. It should function as a mirror. So I should really take it into account. I am just not quite sure how to proceed and take action for my own. 


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