woensdag 31 oktober 2012

Back to work

After having had a week off, I have to get back to work tomorrow. I'm a bit anxious for all the things that are waiting for me like e-mail, different questions, projects etc. We will see. Tomorrow will be month number twelve already! After november I will be working there for a year.

*update 21:54*
already peaked in my e-mail, and within just this week I got a hundred mails. For some this may not may be much, but thinking that almost every e-mail leads to an action, and all the things still waiting for me it's a lot. Especially knowing that with the busy day tomorrow I won't be able to start on it at all.


maandag 29 oktober 2012


Sometimes they just pop up. Through sounds, smell, dreams or things like that. It triggers a memory. For me it immediately brings me back to that point in time in which the memory was created. Usually bringing up this feeling of melancholy. Don't always know wheather it makes me happy or sad.


zaterdag 20 oktober 2012

Full house

Had a full house this afternoon and I loved it. When I woke up I wanted to have a quit saturday, but that didn't really turn out to be. My friend would come over to catch up and yesterday I heard my father-in-law would come too, to do some work in the garden. Eventually it ended up being a day of dropping by my parents to pick up something, dropping by my grandma and uncle to pick up something, later having all 4 parents at my house, while my girlfriend and I were making apple pie. It was just so convivial (is that the right word?). I loved the liveliness in and around the house. I noticed that sometimes, when I don't really feel much like doing something, I just have to do it. Most of time it turns out to be a wonderful experience! Just like today, I enjoyed my self so much this afternoon. Being surrounded by friends and family. Love it.


vrijdag 19 oktober 2012

Feeling threatened

Do you recognise this feeling of anxiety which can occur in certain moments? I cannot really place it, but I feel restless after I heard the news. Wondering what effect it might have on me. Yesterday, when I was at work, I stumbled upon a colleague from my side job next to my study. She was there to have an exploratory conversation with the boss about a voluntary internship of some kind. Later, I read on Facebook she was offered a job. I was thrilled to hear this, because she has been searching for a while now but unfortunatly without any succes. She is a really nice girl and I sincerely think she deserves this. But I can't help to also feel a little restless. In december my contract will end, and I am still wondering whether or not it will be extended. I really hope so, but does this turn of events have a (negative) impact on it, on my destiny? How lame it sounds when writing it, but these are genuine feelings that I am experiencing. Maybe the thougths are irrational and I should have more faith. Change does not always have to be a bad thing. Change can be for the better. A quote which I better should internalize as change is a common aspect in life.


donderdag 18 oktober 2012

One year after

Again a 'one year after'. This date exactly one year ago It was the day of my final presentation concerning my master thesis research project. It was the moment of finalization and the moment my thesis, and thus my life as a student was finishied. Officially I closed that period in january with graduation. One year already. In hindsight time really flies (how cliché). It also was the day that the supervisor from the organisation (my current collgeau) told me there wou,d be a vacancy in my field of experience. So October 18th was a real important dat in my career. It was a closng point and a starting point at the same time. One year later I am still so grateful for this opportunity. At the moment some insecurtities are rising about my contract as it will end on November 30th. So hopefully it will be extended. But to be honest I am a little bit scared to ask.


zondag 14 oktober 2012

High class meal

Yesterday I went to a restaurant which has been awarded two michelin starrs. Quite fancy and expensive. It was quite the experience! Food I wouldn't order in any other restaurant was served in front of me and it die taste really good. Up untill course number three at least. Suddenly I started to feel more and more miserable. No idea if it was the tension leading up to this moment, something I ate earlier which didn't agree with me, or a migraine, I don't know but it ruined my evening. I just felt bad. I hope it didn't ruin my friends' evening. Even though, it still was quite the experience!


zaterdag 13 oktober 2012


Like the month October usually predicts, it realy shows the autumn whether. Opposed to last year, the wind and rain already started end of september and today is one of those days te rain just keeps on falling. Brrr... Autumn. But this season can be so wonderful as well. The beautiful colors the leaves on trees carry. From green to yellow, orange and red. It's stunning what nature can show us.


vrijdag 5 oktober 2012

Yesterday was pet's day

I have no idea if it is a correct translation, but in the Netherlands Octobre 4th is pet's day. Well actually it is not just for pet's, but for all animals. It is national animal day. I have (no, my mom and dad, still have to get used to that) 2 wonderful cats. I love them more then anything, and ofcourse I had to see them yesterday. So I went for dinner at my parents house so I was able to give them a big hug.
