zaterdag 29 oktober 2016

dinsdag 11 oktober 2016


It's fall already. Hope to be able to enjoy some more nice sunny days with the coloring and falling of the leaves.

maandag 10 oktober 2016

400th blogpost

About 5,5 years since I started this blog and yesterday I have reached by 400th post. So I guess it is safe to say I am not really a storyteller or writer :) I do find however, this page is an outlet for me to let my thoughts wander and write down things that are on my mind. 


zondag 9 oktober 2016


Ok, I am on a little rant here. But why are there differences in people to be active and do things (like household chores) and people who refuse to do it? And in my case, those two definitely don't work together (in a literal sense). 

I really like lazy weekends. Especially after a few busy weeks I can really look forward to doing absolutely nothing. But how much as I would love to do that, there is a voice in my head, (I like to call him responsibility) who is making me get up and do things. Like the laundry, cleaning the house, ironing, keeping track of household expenses, doing other finances al little bit of (also therapeutic) gardening and so on. 

But not everyone is like that. Some don't feel the responsibility as much as others. Maybe because they weren't raised that way? It is hard for me to believe that. I was always taught to 'work' first before I was able to 'play', no matter if it was with school, homework, doing chores or whatever. I used to be an athlete at gymnastics. I guess I also learned this 'work'  before ' play' attitude there. You have to be determined. You have to achieve your goals because no one else is going to do it for you. So this mentality is in my system. 

Thinking about a new life phase, things like these also matter to me. Differences don't have to be a problem. But if you cannot talk about them because the other party refuses to take it seriously (I am talking two ways here), what does that say about the future? 

So then I guess these (little) things help in realizing maybe I am not yet ready for a new life phase.


zaterdag 8 oktober 2016

Life phases

How do you know you are ready for a next life phase? Is it even possible to know?

vrijdag 7 oktober 2016

Almost 1 year off of the birth control pill

It has been almost one year since I took my last birth control pill. It was October 22nd. Not to get pregnant, just to get my body functioning naturally again. It took 6,5 months before I got my first natural period. These 28 weeks sure had its effect on my body. I noticed pimples on my face, first some weight loss (probably water), my mood changed a bit, my libido changed a bit and my hair started to shed... A lot. 

I have been using Minoxidil and a pillfood supplement for about 3 months now. The pillfood helps strengthening my hair and nails. I do notice a lot of difference in my nails. They are much stronger and seem to grow faster. My hair not so much. Thankfully the seemingly allergic reaction stopped and didn't come back. But then, your hair doesn't grow as quickly as your nails. So I want to try the minoxidil for at least 6 months. I do seem to notice a little bit of effect the last few weeks. It seems like my hairs that ar still on my head seem to be growing again. I do not spot any new hairs yet. But we remain hopeful. Researching the internet does connect quitting the birtcontrol pill and hair loss. Apparently also estrogen is an important component. And since quitting the bird control pill and not having an ovulation for 6 months, sure gave my body a great drop in estrogen. So hopefully my hormonal balance will restore itself. 

On the positive side my menstrual cycle has been quite regular ever since the natural cycle came back. not taking the first 6,5 months into account I've had 5 periods the other 5 months and expecting my next one next week. So quite happy with that!
