maandag 14 juli 2014

Survival mode

This saturday I went into survival mode! Not really, but just for fun. With several friends we had our first official friendsday (our second if you count the girls and boys weekend last year). Three of our friends organized this day as a surprise to the others. Last saturday we were expected at 9.30 hrs at 'the' outdoor terrain in the neighborhood. It turns out we were going on a treasure hunt!

I had to overcome some fears in the speleo (is that and English word?) Some underground corridors in which it was pitch black and very narrow. I was a little scared to be honest, but with 9 people we dug in and came out! We also crossed a robe several feet of the ground and did some archery. After a GPS route we had one last rafting assignment after which we cracked the code and earned us a local drink! It was very fun! 

The day continued with a lunch and some games at a friends house. In the evening we cooked tapas together and watched the soccer match. Unfortunatly the Netherlands lost through penalties from Argentina so the had the match of the consolation final (fourth and third place) against Brasil. The dutch won! So in the end they are third best of the world! An achievement to be proud of!

Next year I will be on the organization committee, so together with a friend (and maybe a third party) we get to think of a nice day to spent with our friends


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