donderdag 31 juli 2014

Summer feeling

Even though my summer holiday has been behind me for 2 months now, the weather just keeps me in the summer feeling. Nice warm temperatures, lots of sun and some occasional summer rain, all part of the deal. I live from weekend to weekend now as that is the time to be able to enjoy the sun. Have been working fulltime for 8 months now, so my wednesday afternoons of relaxing have been over for some time. I switched them for the friday afternoons, but I have to spent them doing some household chores. But with this lovely weather I make some time. Sun first, it's is not as common as the household chores. They will still be after a couple of hours. The sun might not be. 


maandag 21 juli 2014

My boyfriend turned 30

Yesterday, July 20th, is my boyfriends birthday. This year he turned 30! A milestone, a new 'semester' in life. In your thirties people are settling in careers, houses and go start a family. But then, I am still four years away from turning 30 :) Everything will come when the time is right. My boyfriend is the first in our group to reach the age of 30. The rest will follow in the upcoming years. Hopefully it is going to be a lot of memorable birthday parties. Of course you should celebrate each birthday, but especially these special one. No more ' twenty-someting' from now on, the next 10 years will be 'thirty'-something'. Waauw he is getting old ;)

Of course we had to celebrate his birthday, so saturday july 19th we invites family and friends to join us in the celebration birthday party. With some cool beer and other drinks we held a garden party as the whether was about 34 degrees Celcius. Had a wonderful time which started in the late afternoon when our friends came to decorate our front yard! Also the back of the house and our garden were decorated all in style. We had a really fun evening and went to bed around 04.00 am. Thanks everyone for the amazing party! Also on behave of my boyfriend.


maandag 14 juli 2014

Survival mode

This saturday I went into survival mode! Not really, but just for fun. With several friends we had our first official friendsday (our second if you count the girls and boys weekend last year). Three of our friends organized this day as a surprise to the others. Last saturday we were expected at 9.30 hrs at 'the' outdoor terrain in the neighborhood. It turns out we were going on a treasure hunt!

I had to overcome some fears in the speleo (is that and English word?) Some underground corridors in which it was pitch black and very narrow. I was a little scared to be honest, but with 9 people we dug in and came out! We also crossed a robe several feet of the ground and did some archery. After a GPS route we had one last rafting assignment after which we cracked the code and earned us a local drink! It was very fun! 

The day continued with a lunch and some games at a friends house. In the evening we cooked tapas together and watched the soccer match. Unfortunatly the Netherlands lost through penalties from Argentina so the had the match of the consolation final (fourth and third place) against Brasil. The dutch won! So in the end they are third best of the world! An achievement to be proud of!

Next year I will be on the organization committee, so together with a friend (and maybe a third party) we get to think of a nice day to spent with our friends


maandag 7 juli 2014

300 post! (now 301) - Mantra

Waauw, Just just realized I wrote my 300 post! 300 little posts in a little over 2 years mostly about nothing really. More of a online little diary as I sometimes look back a month, a year or 2 years to see what I did then. Because in  intention of starting a blog I really haven't come up with a solid theme to write about. I can't find my passion.

That's my problem a bit. I am restless like that. My mind as well. I did start my own mantra to help my mind relax at night or at times of stress. Been doing it for a couple of weeks now and I feel like it helps. While repeating my mantra it helps me relax a little. My mantra goes like 'rest, relaxation, I am powerful'. Just last week I repeated it while driving from one work location to the other and I felt my muscles relax. it helped my mind to settle a bit. It just goes on and on and on. Especially in bed it tires me, but not in the good sleepy way. Keeping it occupied with the mantra helps. Even though I have to consciously keep repeating it or my mind will start to wander again.


World Championship Soccer

The past few weeks Brasil is the home town to the world championships of soccer. The Netherlands made it to the last 4 and this wednesday they will play in the semi final against Argentina.

The last few matches were so tense! Against Mexico they just scored in the final 10 minutes, and last saturday against Costa Rica they won through penalties. But, being at the party of friends, it was great to look at with everyone. When we knew they had won we were very exited. You should have seen our faces, I bet it was great fun to look at our reactions! Hopefully the match is't going to cause so much tension this wednesday. We will see. Perhaps they (we) can take revenge for the lost championship final of 2010. (They already did that a little by kicking Spain's but with 5-1 ;) ).
