Book eat, pray, love |
I was really spoiled with Christmas. Two beautiful days surrounded with family, warmth, love, good food and presents. Lots of presents. My boyfriend really surprised me by giving me a book I have wanted for some time now and a lovely game! I am truly blessed. Not because of these materialistic presents. But because we were able to spent Christmas together with the ones we love and were able to buy presents. Which means we can worry about what to buy for one another, because we don't have to worry about much more serious stuff like money issues of health complaints. Not fot these few days at least.
You know you are blessed in life when you worry about the little things. What to wear, what to eat, how busy you are at work and the one stupid colleague who doesn't listen to you. In my eyes, these all are actually nothings when you compare them to what really matters in life. Your loved ones and your (and theirs) health. Everything else doesn't matter anymore when somethings is up with that. So, when you catch yourself think about the business at work, or why your boss chose that project while you think it is completely wrong, just stop for a minute and realize that. Realize you are able to worry about these things because your base in life (your friend and family) are doing fine.
I did, after everything that
happened to dad. But it sure as hell goes 'back to normal' very fast. This perspective of knowing an feeling what really matters, fades really quickly. Thank God my dad is doing ok now. I which and pray it stays that way. In a blink of an eye my day to day worries began to predominate again. Especially work, as that aspect in life is one which is giving me a lot to think about. Leaving me now, writing this, contemplating; do I work to live, or do I live to work? Knowing it and truly feeling it are 2 different things. All these adult responsibilities come into play which makes a decision much more hard.