woensdag 27 november 2013

Last week of four days

Work... Work... Work... This week is my last week of four working days. After tomorrow my weekend will begin and from december on I will join the club fulltimers :)
Last year this was my last week before I lost my job. It had been pretty busy at work the last few weeks and this will be reality for a few more months I presume, until this new organizational part has set a few things. So work enough for now. In a few weeks (four I guess?) it will be Christmas!


maandag 18 november 2013

Quote and looking back

About a year ago I found out my contract at my company wouldn't be prolonged. Today I got my eye on an application letter from a former collegae. This one is the fourth one in line whom I have seen, or contacten me from my former company looping for a new job. Budget cuts probably all lay at the base of this.


woensdag 13 november 2013

After two years

In about two to two-and-a-half weeks I have been working on my career for 2 years. Divided in two jobs in which I both had a workweek of 32 hours. I have been asked to (again) think about an opportunity to be involved in a new part of the organization. I was already asked about this a few months back, but then I said no, because I found I miss the needed experience. But a few months later this question came again, and this time I said yes. I still have my doubts conceding the content of the new tasks, but I didn't want to dig my own grave as a dutch expression says. As I only have a temporary contract, this opportunity could give or bring more chances. And in that way it does. From december on (when I'm in my field of expertise for two years) I can work 36 hours and I can stay until september 2014. To be honest I have been spoiled with this workweek of 4 days and the wednesday of. This won't be the case anymore, which I am sure, will take some adjusting. But of course my pay will rise as well :)

Hope to have made the right choice because yesterday I had a first (not so fun) discussion with on of the 'new' teamleaders, which threw me a bit of my feet. Not at that moment, but afterwards. It is going to be busy and I have to learn a lot.


vrijdag 8 november 2013

Moving on....

How am I coping? And am I coping, or am I avoiding everything that has happened to dad? He is home again, to rest and become stronger. Monday he will start with a revalidation program. My mom is devastated by the whole event. Am I staying strong to be there for her? And for my dad? Or is this my coping?

Well on another topic, I kind off got a promotion at work :D It is freaking me out of course with all of the new things I have to do. From December 1st I am going to work fulltime and become the advisor for this new organization part next to my 'old' organization part. Plus I got a raise :) Well, I get it this december :)

In the meantime I an trying to relax my mind by searching the internet for inspiration at home. With the holidays approaching I found this real simple but very cool idea:
