woensdag 25 januari 2012

Graduation ceremony

Yesterday was the award ceremony for my master's degree. Now I'm officially awarded Master in Science of Public Health! I'm really proud of this degree. Looking back I should have directly started a study at the university instead of the Dutch higher education. Therefore I am real happy to have been given and have taken the opportunity to do a master. Maybe I do want to proceed a career in health science, and being a researcher. 


woensdag 18 januari 2012

First step towards living together!

Saturday my boyfriend and I took the first steps towards living together. We had our first mortgage talk :-) It was of exploratory nature just to be informed about the possibilities, the different options and everything that comes with it. 

We were already searching the internet and wandering around the housing sites to orient at homes. But  now that I have found a job we were able to prepare our finances and let someone do the math concerning the mortgage and monthly payments. Of course I need to get an employer's statement of intent as my contract goes for only a year, but hopefully that won't be a problem. 

There are so many different possibilities in the Netherlands concerning the mortgage. Do you want a savings mortgage? a grace(?) mortgage or an annuity mortgage? How about the monthly payments and the insurances? What if one of the salaries drops or falls away for a short period. I want some room in the mortgage and not get into trouble the same instent. It's a lot to take in at once and a lot to think about. But there we have a second appointment with a different bank to inform us about the opportunities. Just to get a complete picture about the possibilities, to hear the story from different players on the market in order to be able to make the best choice.

Soon we would like to plan the first visits to get a feel of how such a thing goes. What do you need to pay attention to? What way does the broker try to sell it to you? What questions do you need to ask? In short: exiting times are waiting for us!


donderdag 12 januari 2012

Bucket List

I believe that there are key moments in life, that make you who you are. Moments like this shape you and lay the path for the future as they influence your choices and view on life. When my grandfather passed away in november it made me realize once again how valuable life is, and how quickly it may end. My grandfather had the opportunity to become 82 and enjoy a full life with his wife, children and grandchildren. But this is not true for everyone. Some leave the earth more early, but you never know when. For this I realized once more how important it is to live life to the fullest. Everyday may be your last. Therefore I decided to create a bucket list. A list of things I would like to do and have done in my life. The list is based on my point in life at this moment. It may change in the future and be supplemented. But for now it looks like this:

* Living toghether
* Buying a house and creating a home
* Building my/our own house
* Having a job I truly love
* Being happy in my job (as it is for a long time of my life)
* Getting married
* Becoming a Mother
* Writing a story book
* Writing a cook book
* Following a course for being a judge at gymnastics
* Teaching gymnastics to kids
* Visiting / traveling to the Caribbean
* Being able to make beautiful decorations for cakes and cupcakes
* Climbing the Eiffel Tower


maandag 9 januari 2012

me to you

I always just love the me to you teddy-bears (or what is it exactly?) and pictures.  I got a little bear from my boyfriend when we were dating for 1 month. Wasn't that sweet! I still have it of course and it's standing on my nightstand. Even after more than 6 years it is still very soft and cuddly. 


maandag 2 januari 2012

Happy Newyear!

Happy NewYear! That 2012 may bring all of you lots of joy, happiness, health and all the best!