vrijdag 23 oktober 2015

still nothing

Regarding my contract at work I still don't know a thing. each time there comes a story or an argument why it is not clear yet. And each time there comes a promise (of some sort, from someone). And each time, this promise is broken again. First I would hear it before I went on holiday.When I came back, no news. Than it was going to be spoken about past thursday. But the agenda was already to full and people could not prepare themselves for the proposal. So it will be discussed next week they say. So they say..... because next week is a holiday week and the director of my company is not present. So I am positive it will not be addressed this Thursday. And what can I do about it? absolutely nothing. The only thing I can do is look outside this company for a job. Even though I want some security because I want to continue in life, I have to take into account I won't get that security here. Too bad.....


dinsdag 13 oktober 2015

Home sweet home

And then I am back again. Can't believe how fast the past couple of weeks have gone! Well actually, when I was in Indonesia, it felt way longer. Which was very nice. But now that I am back again. The week literally flew by. and back home it is cold, grey, flat and everything. I am back in the 'back home blues'. I always have that when I come back from a wonderful holiday. Because that was it, wonderful. We saw so many things! The crowded city of Jakarta, Yogyakarta with the beautiful Borobudur and Prambanan, the Merapi (and all the Muslims singing), the Komodo islands, the snorkling, the Komodo dragons, waking up with the dolphins, the giant bats at night. Sleeping outside on the boot. And beautiful Bali, with the wonderful temples, the great tour guide who showed us Bali at a speed of 40 km per hour, the vila's with the outstanding views. And I think I am forgetting half of the rest. It was wonderful. A real great experience, which left lots of laundry. I had yesterday and today still off to do all that stuff, but tomorrow for me the normal life also starts again. It always makes me a little sad. Which actually is a good thing, because it shows me how much fun I had and how blessed I am to go out and see the world. Of course I am happy to be back home safely, but I had such a wonderful time, it is ok to be a little sad that it is over. 
