maandag 23 februari 2015

2 months that I must miss you

February 23th. That is two months that I must miss you beautiful Tinky. My heart is with you. I great you every day I visit mom and das. And as you know that is quite a lot ;) I miss you. I love playing and cuddling with your son, but the family is not complete anymore. I whish I could cuddle with you again also. I love you.

Hope to have saved a ladybug this evening. It sat in our bedroom for a few days now. Don't know why I didn't think of saving it and placing it outside before. It was already weak. Hope this little guy maken it. Hope I was in time for it to get something to eat. I can't stand animals in pain. Those innocent souls. I feel for them. I should go 'do something' with animals. Don't even know of there might be a shelter nearby or something.
